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Sometimes I ask myself why, and then I remember that I have issues :D 

   "The Wailing alps?" Jay said. Lloyd put his hand on his chin and thought. 
   "I mean... I makes sense I guess, it'd be difficult for us to reach them." He said. Nya nodded. 
   "Well, we've already traversed the mountains before, so this time it'll be even easier. I guess it's time to get the old suits out!" He said, determined. 

   "It's s-so c-cold-!" Jay said. His teeth chattered as he complained. "Kai! Can't you jus-st m-make a f-fire or s-s-someth-thing?" He hissed. Kai rolled his eyes. 
   "You're not the only one s-suffering here!" Lloyd said. They were all cold and tired and angry. 
   "But it's not f-fair! Z-Zane is the one w-who is l-literally im-mune to the c-c-c-c-cold...!" Jay moaned. There was a terrifying gust of wind and all the ninja huddled tightly to the mountain face in their mechs. 
   "Turn around and fucking go back then!" Kai shouted. He didn't even want to look at Jay right now. "We're not just doing this for the shits and laughs! We're doing this for Cole! Fix your fucking priorities!" He said. Nya heard his voice break but didn't say anything. Jay's face heated up in anger. 
   "What? Are you telling me I'm not a good friend? Kai! Everyone here wants to go back to the Bounty! Not everyone is the Elemental Master of Fire! You can use your fucking powers to heat yourself up but we can't! You're acting like the fucking selfish one! No one here is enjoying this!" Jay shouted. Even the wind stopped wailing. As much as they hated to admit it, Nya and Lloyd both couldn't feel anything anymore and just wanted to turn back. Kai knew what they were thinking and scoffed. 
   "Alright, go back then. I won't stop you." He spat before pulling himself up in big leaps. He reached a large ledge and clambered onto it. "Fuck!" He shouted. Anger coursed through his veins. He used his mech to kick at a large boulder and flopped down onto the snow. It crunched beneath him as he sat down. His lip trembled and he glared at the sun. "Why couldn't we just have stayed normal? Why do we have to be elemental masters?!" He yelled. "Why?!" The mountain groaned in warning but Kai paid it no heed. Tears rolled down his face as he stared at the sunset. The snow was turning gold and the sky was reddening. "Why... the... fuck..." 
   He fell onto his side and shivered. The cold was starting to bore into his bones and travelled through his blood. His mech creaked and fell onto it's front. Kai groaned slightly as he pulled himself out. He sat up and tried to conjure a fire in his hands but it was immediately extinguished by the wind. He laughed exasperatedly and cried. His tears froze on his face. A shadow clambered over the opposite edge and Kai fainted. 

   Cole staggered to his feet. He'd been running through the mountains for the past hour. The Oni shouted and chased him through the snow. There was a sharp pain in his head and his eyes watered. Blood flowed down his head and mouth and stomach. "Ugh..." He blinked blearily at the red mass in front of him. "Kai-?" He mumbled. His head cleared and he ran forwards, leaving bloody footprints in the snow. He tripped and fell face first into the snow. "Kai..." He sobbed, pulling himself towards the body. He turned Kai onto his back and stared at him. "No! Nononono!" He begged. Kai's body was dead weight and his head flopped back. "KAI!!" He screamed. The Oni shouted in the distance and Cole stared at the body in his arms. He breathed heavily and lied Kai back down. The snow crunched as Cole lied opposite him, their heads level. "Please forgive me..." He said. "I'm sorry... hic... for-!" He tried to smile but gave in. "I'm sorry! P-please don't... hic-! H-hate me...hic..." He begged. He cried for a little while longer, his breathing becoming more and more faint. "Cough..." Blood splattered from his mouth and oozed down his chin. He looked at the sun sinking below the mountains and his eyes brimmed with tears again. Beautiful golden rays scattered across the mountain range and sparkled on the snow. The sky was turning from a vibrant orange to a deep blue. The clouds were deep pink and the sun was gold. The evening mist shimmered and waved past the cold lonely peaks with the mourning wind. "How beautiful..." Cole whispered. He looked to the other side of him and smiled weakly. "Isn't it...?" His voice broke but he didn't cry. Kai looked so peaceful, his eyes were closed and he looked as if he hadn't a care in the world. Cole stared back the the sky. Stars were beginning to twinkle in the black abyss and somewhere, somewhere up there, two more stars burst into existence. Cole's face relaxed and his eyes went dull. The tears he'd been resisting rolled down his face and the wind stopped shouting and the world went silent. For a moment, it felt as if the whole universe had stopped. Just for a little while. Just for a moment.

Kinda short T^T but whatever. See you in chapter 18 :D

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