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Yay :D checkpoint! ╰(*°▽°*)╯

   Cole blinked awake. His arms hurt and he was slightly tilted forwards. 
   "Ugh..." He felt sick and his throat was unbearably dry. He coughed and looked weakly at his wrists. He was chained to a wall. God knows for how long. He gaged suddenly and stomach acid splattered onto the floor. His throat burned even more and he breathed dryly. "Hak... hu..." He gasped breathlessly. He felt sick again but this time only saliva dripped from his mouth. He looked at the floor. Apparently he'd been sick while he was out as well. He jerked his head up at the sound of heels clacking across stone. Sijiu walked elegantly towards him, three Oni guards following her. 
   "Are you awake?" She asked kindly. Cole couldn't talk. She smiled at him. "That's good. You may leave." She directed this at the guards. They bowed and walked away briskly. Sijiu pulled her mask off and smiled at Cole. She was unnaturally beautiful. "I'm sorry we've treated you like this." She said gently. Sijiu stroked Cole's cheek and slid her finger against his lips. "You're a very pretty young man..." She said. "I bet a lot of girls like you..." She stared into his eyes. Cole was scared. Her face was centimetres from his and he could feel her breath.
   "S-top..." He whispered. "Stop..." He hunched his shoulders slightly and tears dripped down his face. Sijiu's expression hardened and she stepped back. 
   "What? Why are you crying? Aren't you a man?" She hissed. Cole didn't know why he was crying either. The thought of kissing a woman made him sick. Sijiu seemed to know what he was thinking and ha!-ed. "What? Do you like men?" She mocked. Cole flinched at the tone of her voice. 
   "No... I don't..." He rasped. Sijiu scoffed. 
   "Scum." She spat at the floor before Cole and was about to walk away when a threatening voice made her stop. 
   "That's no way for a lady to act, is it Your Highness?" The Omega was stood in semidarkness and his eyes were burning dangerously from behind his mask. Sijiu turned her nose up at him and turned her face away. 
   "I don't need you to tell me how to act." She hissed. The Omega stepped into the light and Sijiu flinched slightly. "Get lost-!" She shouted. Horns burst from her head, and bits of flesh and blood splattered onto the floor. Cole almost vomited again. The Omega watched as he gaged. Sijiu glared and stomped away angrily. The Omega had a smug look under his mask as he watched Sijiu walk away. 
   "What did she try to do to you?" The Omega walked up to Cole and lifted his face. Cole was still crying. His body didn't feel like his anymore, he couldn't even breathe. The Omega sighed, his hand found it's way over Cole's mouth and he smothered it with fog. Cole's eyes rolled back and he slumped into the chains again. The Omega scoffed and wiped his hand on Cole's clothes. "The Overlord isn't going to be happy." He mumbled angrily. Cole breathed heavily and relaxed into the chains as The Omega walked away, his boots clinking in rhythm. 

   "This is it..." Lloyd and Zane crouched behind a large rock and peeped at the cave mouth. Lloyd unconsciously covered his mouth as he watched the fog flow out. Zane couldn't see what Lloyd was but he got the gist and put his hand on Lloyd's shoulder. Lloyd nodded and gulped. They quietly sneaked right up to the entrance and peeked in. Zane froze. Bright purple torches were blaring and crackling in some sort of ritual-like formation. In the centre was a black clad figure, sat in a meditation position. A shock ran through his body and he pulled Lloyd away from the entrance. 
   "Lloyd... that's the Overlord..." He whispered. Lloyd's eyes widened and he looked again. 
   "It really is..." He hissed. "What are they doing?" Lloyd stepped forwards slightly and the fog crowded at his feet suddenly. It swarmed like a mass, feeling him out. Zane clasped his hand over Lloyd's mouth before he shouted and they stood like statues. The fog was steadily creeping up Lloyd's legs and reached his torso before deeming him a rock and went back to slithering across the floor. Zane sighed in relief and let Lloyd go. 
   "Slowly..." Zane slid his foot silently forwards and the fog didn't react. "You stay here. I will contact you if I need help." Zane whispered through the coms. Lloyd nodded and hid behind a rock. Zane exhaled and slowly slipped into the mouth of the cave. He was crouched so low, he was almost crawling. Oni passed by him, faces deformed and bloody. Zane carried on going forwards. Suddenly someone was thrown before the Overlord. His mask slid across the floor and hit the Overlord's foot. Sijiu stepped over the body and stood beside the Overlord. 
   "My Lord... he's been messing with the boy..." She said, bending down to whisper into his ear. Blood splattered from two gashes on the top of her head and Zane could almost see her brain. The golden yen tsiang was back in her hand and she smirked down at the boy at the Overlord's feet. Two Oni guards pulled him up by his armpits and one pulled his head back by his hair. The Omega smiled tauntingly at the Overlord. He was quite an attractive boy. Fresh blood gushed down his nose and there were cuts and bruises all over his face. 
   "Wait until you find out she was going to kiss him." The Omega sniggered. 
   "Silence. Hongxue. What is your defence?" The Overlord said. The Omega laughed. 
   "You're going to believe her Highness whatever I say, aren't you?" Hongxue hissed [I just made up a name for him ok T^T. The Omega just sounded ugly :D]. He spat out a mouthful of blood at the Overlord's feet and grinned. Sijiu gasped. 
   "How dare-!" 
   "Silence." The Overlord stood up and walked to Hongxue. "Do you want to die." Hongxue's smile faded and he stared blankly at the Overlord. 
   "If I say yes will you kill me?" He asked. Sijiu glanced at the Overlord. "You need me~" He taunted. 
   "Lock him up until we need him. Kill him after." He said. The two Oni guards dragged Hongxue away and Sijiu glanced at the Overlord uncertainly. 
   "My Lord..." She stepped back as the Overlord glared at her. 
   "I want this ready by two nights or I will have all of you SLAUGHTERED." He said. Sijiu flinched and bowed quickly before hastily rushing away. Zane stood still for another minute. He knew that the Overlord knew he was there. He had to get out. Lloyd stared into the cave, impatient. 
   "Zane... are you ok?" He whispered into the com. He pressed his finger to his ear anxious. "Zane...? Zane-!"
   Lloyd thumped to the floor. Blood dripped from the back of his head. An Oni guard flung him over his shoulder and walked into the cave. As he passed Zane, Zane grabbed his ankle and he tumbled to the floor, Zane pushed his fingers thought the Oni's neck and blood spurted everywhere. Zane grabbed Lloyd and dashed for the exit but the tentacles wrapped around him and he fell to the floor. 
   "KAI!!" He shouted into the coms. He didn't need to open his mouth or press the coms for it to work, it was built into him. "Anyone! I have sent the coordinates but do not approach! The Overlord-!" The line went dead. The fog seeped into Zane's system and he powered off as a defence mechanism, that way, the enemy couldn't get any info from him. Three more guards ran up and grabbed Lloyd and Zane. They followed the tunnel that Hongxue had previously been dragged down, and down to where Cole was being chained. 

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