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I am going insane istg

   "Master." The tall man cupped his hands politely. An elderly man turned to face him. This old man wasn't really the tall man's master, it was just his heavenly title. The old man's face was hidden by a white vail and he was wearing white funeral clothes. 
   "Ah... Dominus Mortis... still on top of the formalities are we?" The old man said. His voice was, well, old and kind. "And who are these?" He asked. The old man bent to the little blue fires and stared at them. He already knew who they were, but he still asked anyway. 
   "You don't seem to have aged at all Master." The tall man said. The old man laughed. Dominus Mortis pushed the two fires closer to the First Spinjitzu Master. Master laughed again and the two fires huddled close. Master stared at them hard then looked at Dominus Mortis. 
   "You want me to revive them, don't you?" Master asked. Dominus Mortis nodded and cupped his hands. 
   "Master, these two have done many a good deed, and seeing as they are your followers, would it not be right to grant them another chance?" He asked. Master thought and them nodded. He lifted his vail and suddenly there was a massive gust of wind. Golden petals swirled around the two fires and they began to grow and take human for. One fire burst into the figure of a well-built, tan young man with silky black hair, and the other into the elegant figure of a pale skinned boy with chestnut hair. The petals formed in golden robes around them and they gently stood on the grass. The black haired boy opened his eyes. They were orange shot with gold. He inhaled suddenly and stumbled forwards. The other boy just fell forwards but the black haired one caught him before he hit the floor. 
   "Hello." Master said. "Master of Earth and Master of Fire." He said. The two boys looked up and instantly dropped to their knees to kowtow. "Ah... please don't... I do not enjoy it when people do that..." Master said weakly. The two boys stood up awkwardly and avoided eye contact with the old man. 
   "U-um..." The black haired boy mumbled something but he turned his head away as if he was doubting himself. 
   "Please, ask away." Master said kindly. The boy rubbed his neck embarrassed. 
   "A-are you the First Spinjitzu Master?" He asked sheepishly. Master and Dominus Mortis both burst out into laughter and the boy's face reddened in embarrassment. 
   "Yes. And you two are the Earth and Fire Masters." Master said. Both boys nodded. "After looking at how you two have lived, I have decided to move you two on." Master said. Dominus Mortis looked at Master in disbelief. "Please choose your choices wisely." Master said. The two boys stared in awe and shock as the wind picked up and again and they were engulfed in gold light. There was a flash and a shockwave that shook all the plains of life and a light that illuminated the universe. 
   "Master?! I thought you were sending them back to the living realm-?" Dominus Mortis said in shock. Master laughed. 
   "I did. Even us old Gods need to have our fun sometimes. Loosen up Dominus Mortis!" He said. Master waved his hand and the opening to his realm snapped shut and Dominus Mortis was surrounded by his white halls again. The God of Death was left staring at white, completely dumbfounded. His angels giggled at the look on his face as they passed him. 

   Kai bolted upright. He gasped. He couldn't breathe. After a minute, he panted heavily and blinked. He was looking at the medical walls of the Bounty. He turned to look beside him and Cole was pushing himself up. He rubbed his head like he had a headache and gasped. Kai's eyes teared up and he grabbed Cole. He wailed into Cole's shoulder and the other ninja burst into the room. 
   "KAI!!" Nya screamed. She grabbed her brother and Cole and hugged them tightly. "Kai... Cole..." She sobbed. Kai and Cole both hugged her back. Cole's hands shook and he trembled as he felt his hands on Nya's back. 
   "Holy... shit..." He whispered. "Holy shit! I just died!" He gasped. He turned to Kai. "We just fucking died-!" He paused. Warm blood gushed down his head and began to pour from his stomach. "Oh..." He said. Kai grabbed him and held him close to him. 
   "What the fuck?!" He said. Zane ran over and helped Cole lie down. 
   "Kai, put pressure on his stomach, I'll do his head first." Zane said. Cole winced. 
   "Well... this isn't good..." He joked. Kai shot him a glare and Cole looked away sheepishly. "I was only joking..." He mumbled. He winced as Kai pressed on his stomach a little harder and he shut up. Zane sat him up after tightly wrapping up his head and pushed his back straight. 
   "Lift your shirt please." Zane said and Cole did as he asked. Kai's face reddened and he turned his face away. After a few awkward seconds, Zane said: done! and Cole put his arms back down. "There, limit movement for a while." He said. Cole nodded and Kai turned back round. 
   "Right, let's go back to the monastery-" Jay began. 
   "But what about Lili? She's still there..." Cole faltered and his expression became dull and he suddenly looked tired. "She's still there..." He curled up in shame. "I'm sorry I didn't bring her out..." He mumbled. Kai put his hand on Cole's back. 
   "It's ok, you got out, now we can focus on Lili. You have to stay here though." He said firmly. Cole scowled and rested his head on his knees.
   "Ok..." He mumbled. Kai laughed a bit and ruffled his hair. Cole blushed and covered his head with his hands. 
   "What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Lloyd said. 

   Cole woke from a rush of cold air and it almost felt as if the Bounty had been shaken. He sat up, shivering. Where... He slammed the bedroom window shut and rushed to crawl back into his bed. He sat on his bed for a little while then got up again wrapped in his blanket to find some thing to drink. As he passed the medical room, he glanced inside and saw Xue Xue sat on the edge of his bed. He looks lonely... Cole thought to himself. He knocked on the door and Xue Xue's head shot up. 
   "Are you ok?" He asked. Xue Xue nodded slightly. "I'm going to go get something to drink, would you like some water?" Cole asked. Xue Xue nodded again and Cole smiled. He left and Xue Xue sat alone for about a minute before Cole came back. "Here." Cole handed Xue Xue a cup of warm water and sat on the bed next to him. Xue Xue sipped it and stared at the floor. He looked like he was about to cry. "Are you ok?" Cole asked again. Xue Xue's lip trembled and he sniffed. 
   "Is Lili going to be ok?" He asked. Cole froze and a surge of shame overcame him. 
   "Yes... Lili will be ok..." He said. "I believe in my friends, you should too." Cole said kindly. Xue Xue nodded. He put his cup down and rubbed his eyes. Cole looked at Xue Xue hesitantly before putting his arms around him and hugging him. "She'll be ok..." He said. Xue Xue relaxed into Cole's hug and hugged him back. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... Cole thought sadly. 

I could just go on and on for like two days then for a DAMN week I'll just get FACKING WRITER'S BLOCK. I'm gonna kms ;-; anyway, not really because I won't be able to watch Ninjago D: BUT LET ME SAY. I HATE DRAGONS RISING SO HECKING MUCH 💀💀😭 LIKE. I WON'T EVEN WATCH IT BECUASE IT MAKES ME SO ANGRY. 💀 LIKE. ANYTHING AFTER NYA'S SEASON I HATE SFM anyway :D the only time Ninjago makes me want to anti-breathe is when it comes to Dragons Rising :]

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