Liam's backstory; more clearer

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I thought about dedicating a chapter to Liam and more about him. Since I didn't make it clear in the book how his backstory worked, besides a few glimpses of his past and summaries of his life, so here we are.

Liam's past:

His personality between the ages 1-13:

During Liam's childhood, he has been kind, sweet and amazing. He was interested in drawing, playing and nature itself. He was always kind to anyone and had kept it that way. Though, behind closed doors, Liam fell into a depressive state when his mom was taken away for being mental. Obviously during this time, he did have a friend (who becomes his boyfriend at fourteen). He always hung out at his house rather than his own.

His personality at fourteen:

Liam started to change at fourteen. He was a little more mature and had taken interest in comic books and lost interest in drawing. He started dating his best friend, Ashley. Both of them were gay and hid it from everyone. When Ash died, Liam fell into a depressive state and told himself that it was all his fault Ash died. His parents were very homophobic and Liam knew that. He had developed an eating disorder.

His personality at fifteen:

Liam was more closed off. He had therapy sessions which didn't help. Liam became more and more reckless each sessions. He became numb to feelings and was suspended for hitting a boy. The boy had humiliated him and made fun of Ashley's death which caused Liam to snap. He also attempted, but he was saved by Kate who found him on the floor.

His personality at sixteen:

Liam became friends with Rachel. She had introduced him to other comics and videogames. Liam had forgotten his previous interests and hung out with her more. They had become better friends, almost best friends. Rachel left due to her parents moving. Liam went back to being closed off again. He also had gotten the black widow tattoo in order to cover up his scars and to show he was brave.

His personality between the ages of seventeen and eighteen:

Liam had an interest for the paranormal and spiders. He also gained interest in reading books. He didn't change much but had trust issues. He never opened up to anyone. Not even Kate. Though, he has been doing that since he was fourteen. Liam had been clean for three years now.

Liam's disorders:


- Depression

- Anxiety

- Eating disorder

Liam's interests and likes:

- Black Widows

- Paranormal

- Architecture

- Rock Music

- Hip hop music

- Love the colors orange

- Loves rain

- Love night

- Loves cats and horses

Liam's sexuality and gender:

- Gay

- Uses he/him pronouns

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