❦𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝚃𝚛𝚞𝚝𝚑❦

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|Fairchild Estate|

Kate was getting ready for bed. This wasn't the first time that she was alone. This whole week she had been while Liam and Miles hung out. Kate was in utter disgust when she find out that they were more than friends. Not that she wasn't accepting of Liam, but due to the fact that he was with Miles. The same person that has been making her life a living hell in the mansion.

From the start, Miles always hated Kate. He grew closer to Liam. For unknown reasons that Kate wanted to know so badly. What made Liam the exception that Miles didn't hate him? It couldn't be that Liam was his age. It couldn't be that they were boyfriends.

Something from day one, made Liam safe. She didn't know what it was. She did want to find out. What was Liam hiding from her? He obviously told Miles the truth and they knew each other for a while fucking week! Kate knew Miles for eighteen years and grew up with him.

That's when it hit her. Miles had a fascination for the paranormal. He was interested in learning about spirits and demons in a house. He even considered to take it in college. Liam must've known when he walked into the house. He knew something was wrong, but he hasn't told her.

"Penny for your thoughts?" She heard a familiar voice ask her which snapped her out of her thoughts.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"I came to warn you." Miles walked closer into the room. "Quint knows you know. He doesn't tolerate being intrusive. Liam was cleared since he kept his limit, but you're not." He told her.

"Why Liam? What's so special about my brother?" She asked sceptically.

"There's nothing special, he just knows what boundaries are." Miles crossed his arms. "I love him, Kate. If you ever raise your hands at him again, there will be very unwanted consequences." Miles threatened her.

"Yoh barely know him! I grew up with him and I know him a lot better than you think I do." Kate told him as she turned to look at him.

Kate grew up with Liam. He was always happy, cheerful and kind. That was until he became fourteen and he was more closed off with anyone he knew and cared about. Kate always tried to find out why he was like that. Until she heard the news that his best friend died due to overdose. She left him alone and allowed him to deal with his own feelings.

Liam had been in therapy in and out. Most of them saying that he needed help. He was diagnosed with having borderline personality disorder. Something that Kate wanted to keep to herself. Liam was her nice, kind brother. She wanted to keep that image for him and tell him everything was alright.

Things had slowly changed since then. Liam was fifteen when he got suspended from school for hitting a boy that humiliated him. He didn't talk about that either. The brunette had kept secrets from her that she always found out. Liam was becoming more and more numb. He didn't feel anything for the ones that he hurt.

When Liam was sixteen, he has met someone. Kate thought that it may have helped him. Liam was happier than usual. He was interested in comic books and playing videogames. His friend left him to move to a small town away from them. Though, he told Liam that he'd sent letters.

The moment Liam turned seventeen, things had drastically changed. He became more interested in the paranormal, spiders and he was closed off. Kate had tried to talk to him. The only thing she had heard was music from his room. He ignored her when he'd go to school. Kate had lost hope after that.

Liam graduated from high school. He spent his time working at a coffee shop. He always found a way to ignore Kate. He'd either be tired or he'd go to work without saying anything. Things changed between them when she got the job. Liam got fired from his job since they didn't need him anymore, according to Liam himself.

"He told me things that you never heard from him. So reconsider your relationship." Miles scoffed.

"You know what? Liam may have told you somethings, but you don't know anything about him and what he's been through." Kate snapped.

"I know enough." Miles said.

"Did he tell you about his friend? Did he tell you about his therapy sessions? Did he tell you about his disorder? Did he tell you that he was suspended from school for hitting a boy that had humiliated him in front of the whole school?" Miles looked at her; attempting to find the point in her argument. "No, because he doesn't open up to anyone. You're not an exception, because no matter how good your relationship is, he'll always hide things." Kate finished.

"What's the point in your argument?" Miles asked coldly. "Liam will tell me when he's comfortable enough to tell me. You're basically outing him, because he trusts me more than he trusts you." Miles said with a frustrated sigh, leaving his lips after the sentence.

"You think you have so much authority over him? I noticed how he changed the moment you two met." Kate sighed.

"I'll say this nicely. What Liam and I have going on, it's our business. You have no right to interfere. If you ever do that again, you will have to bare the consequences that comes with it." Miles said with a harsh voice.

"Is that a threat?" Kate asked him.

"If you want it to be." Miles replied and left the room.

Kate sighed. She didn't know what to believe. Miles kept threatening her and she didn't enjoy it. He treated Liam like he was a prized possession, but he treated her like filth. She locked her door and went to bed. She might consider Rose's advice.

Ms Gessel's ghost; "Says who?"

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