Chapter 26 - Sins

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"I did some digging and found out the missiles were supposed to be in Shadow Companies care. They got lost while in transit to another location, and that's when they contacted us for help. They made it seem like someone else was in charge of the missiles, but the truth is that it's their fault that they went missing in the first place." Price says.

"Then let's just rat them out, tell whoever was in charge of making them transport these missiles." Alejandro says. His voice is stern, his anger showing through his tone.

"We can't do that. If we do it'd have go public, creating panic would be the worst thing to do in this situation. We still don't know who has these missiles, one wrong move and these missiles could potentially be used against us, or even worse harm civilians." Price explains.

Everyone readjusts themselves in their chair, the air getting thicker by the second. I look over at Marina, noticing her slightly uncomfortable body language.

"Is that all that was found?" Alejandro asks.

Price eyes Marina from the corner of his eye. I can almost see the anxiety coursing through her veins before she speaks.

"We think Valeria was being held hostage there. Ghost and I found the dress she was wearing the night you guys broke in, along with a chair and rope loosely tied around the armrests and legs." She says. She looks between everyone individually for a couple seconds. No one says a word as they wait for her to continue.

"Shadow company has her for some reason." She reaches into her pocket and places a picture in the middle of the table. I eye it but don't move a single muscle, realizing it's a childhood picture of her and Valeria. König is the first one to reach over and pick it up. "I don't know why they took her, but I know it has something to do with these missiles. I need to find her before it's too late."

"What is this?" Alejandro asks, taking the picture from Königs hand .

"It's a photo of Valeria and I. We grew up together." She says.

The picture gets passed around and I'm the last one to grab it. I look at the picture for less time than anyone else, considering I've already seen this before. I put it back in the middle of the table, Soap staring at me for a couple seconds.

"She didn't randomly find me to work with her, she's my best friend. I didn't want to tell anyone in the beginning because if you guys knew my real relation to her you wouldn't believe me when I said I didn't know where she was, or that she didn't take the missiles. I was trying to protect myself." She explains.

I tap my finger lightly on the table, gazing around to see everyone's reactions. Most of them have confused looks on their faces, staring at Marina and waiting for her to continue talking. After a couple seconds Gaz is the first one to break the silence.

"Price?" He asks. Price gazes back at him, not saying a word.

"I'm keeping it off record." He finally says. "I'm not going to sit here and act like I wouldn't do the same, like none of you would do the same."

Gaz's head shoots back at Marina. His mouth opens to say something but no words come out. After a second of thinking his mouth shuts and his face softens. "How much of her work were you actually involved in?" He asks, his tone rough.

Her body stiffens before she finally answers. "Everything."

"And what is everything?" Soap asks next to her. I see her swallow hard, the tension in the room building quickly.

"Dealing drugs and guns. Sometimes she'd leave me in charge of torturing information out of people." Soap's eyebrows shoot up and I can't help the smile that forms slightly under my mask.

I guess I knew that Marina would be involved in some of the dirtier stuff in the cartel, but to picture her torturing information out of people...honestly turns me on a little. "But I never killed anyone, Valeria took care of that." She says quickly.

"Can't say that about us." I say, leaning forward and placing my arms on the table. Everyone's head shoot towards me, puzzled looks on their faces.

I'm not necessarily trying to defend her completely, but also no one at this table can say we're better than she is.

Why would we consider ourselves better? Because of some laws? If you take our histories and compare them, we're similar people. Hurting others to keep moving forwards.

"I'm just saying, if you think about it it's not like we're any better than she is." I can see everyone processing what I said, realizing I'm not wrong.

Alejandro reaches for the picture once again, looking at it intensely. "Aquí no hay santos." He says, his eyes not moving up from the picture. "We've all committed our own sins, I'm not gonna judge you for yours." Tears brim her eyes as he hands the picture back to her.

"Neither am I." Konig says.

"Me either." Soap says.

"God knows I've done worse." Gaz says. A laugh escapes me as tears brim my eyes.

"Alright then. Let's figure out how we're going to find Valeria." Price says.


I grab the small pot and open the tap, filling it with some water. I turn on the stove and place it on top of the flame, setting it on low. Tilting my head back and close my eyes, relaxing my tense shoulder muscles.

Since the meeting ended I haven't been able to stop thinking about the things Marina and I haven't talked about. While we talked about her childhood a lot we haven't talked much about her work inside the cartel.

I always thought it'd be a bit of a sensitive topic, but thinking about how she might've gotten her hands dirty just like we have entices me just a bit. Imagining her with blood on her hands and a grin on her face...I wish I would've been there to be able to see that.

I want to know everything that she did while she was working for Valeria. I want to talk to her for hours on end, learning about every detail of her life. Slowly I know I'm getting there, but every once in a while I can't help the single thought that enters my head.

Why am I bothering getting close to her if I know she's going to leave?

Yet catch myself still fantasizing about our future every once in a while. Granted most of those fantasies are where I have her on her knees, but regardless I'm still thinking about a future where she's in it.

I'm also not being as careful around the base as I used to be in the beginning. Hanging out in her room and walking in whenever, I know I shouldn't be doing that. If I get caught Price will have my head on a stick in no time.

Being around her has changed me completely. What started as a feeling of possessiveness has turned into protection. I look at her smile and can't help but think that I'd do anything to keep her happy.

No matter the cost.

The boiling water breaks my train of thought, nearly spilling over the edge of the pot. I turn off the stove quickly, reaching into the cupboard and taking out a mug. I pour some instant coffee inside and the water, stirring the cup.

I guess if I can't have a future with her that doesn't mean I can't take advantage of the time that we have here...right?



Hello everyone! Updating while I'm at work lol hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it was a little short butttttt stay tuned for the next one hehehe *gnawing at the bars of my enclosure*

Sin Miedo - Simon "ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now