Chapter 2 - The Deal

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Valeria squints her eyes at Oscar and looks him up and down. "Okay, so what is this new deal you have for me." A smile slowly creeps on his face and he claps his hands together, looking between me and Val.

"Missiles." He states. Still looking between us waiting for some sort of reaction.

Val blinks a couple times before looking over at me. I raise my eyebrows before looking at him for a couple seconds and looking back at her.

"Excuse me?" She says, scrunching her brows and tilting her head a bit.

His shoulders drop a little and his excitement disappears. "Missiles,Valeria. They need to be transported and stored somewhere and you my friend, own lots of land and roads for them to be easily moved."

Val nods her head slowly, squinting at him slightly. She looks over at me and I can already tell by her face that she isn't sold.

"Where are the missiles from?" Val asks.

"Can't tell you."

"Who are they going to?" She asks again.

"Can't tell you either. All I need is your permission for them to be driven through your roads and you will get paid a good amount, it'll be double than your last deal." Val stares at him for a couple seconds before turning over to me and letting out a laugh.

"You know what Oscar I think she'll pass." I say, avoiding eye contact with him.

I hear a deep breath come from his direction as he places his hands against the island and leans forward on it.

I finally look over at and I can sense the frustration coming off of him. I know he thinks I have no place to call the shots, but I know Val and when she's done, she's done. And this was something I know she does not want to mess with.

There's a moment of silence before he speaks. "Why don't I hear her say it then, you don't speak for her." He states, glancing over at her now.

She stands up and walks around the island slowly, her finger tracing the edge of the island the whole way around.

He stands straight up, trying to use his height to intimidate her, but clearly he doesn't remember that she isn't someone who can be easily intimidated.

She stands in front of him and looks him right in the eyes. "I want no part of this. I'm not moving that shit for you. We said no, so it's a no." She moves another inch closer, their chests only an inch or two away from each other.

He goes to take a step back but puts his foot back where it was. "I'm telling you Valeria, you can rake in a lot of cash by doing this. It's a fast operation. It'll take less than a week." He continues trying to convince her.
She scoffs and walks away, opening the fridge and taking out a bottle of water.

"Mari doesn't know anything about this business, don't listen to her she doesn't know what she's talking about."

"No actually, Mari knows exactly what she's talking about. She's been by my side from the moment I was selling shitty weed in the streets to now. She knows what I'm interested in and what I'm not interested in, and this Oscar is something that I don't want any part of." She says all this as she slowly walks back to him.

I look over and I can see him grinding his teeth as soon as she finishes her sentence. He takes another quick glance at me and I see his nostrils flare in anger.

"Now, is there anything else I can do for you?" She says, a fake smile appearing on her face.

"No, I guess not." He states.

Val nods and gestures her hand to the door of the kitchen. "You know your way out." She smiles.

He doesn't automatically move and after a couple seconds some of the armed guards move closer. He raises his hands in defense and starts moving out of the kitchen. He stops right by the door and turns around.

Sin Miedo - Simon "ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now