Chapter 3 - Interrogation

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As soon as I hear the first round of shots me and Valeria drop straight down to the floor. I look up to see where Soap went only to see him jumping over the back of the couch looking for cover.

Val grabs my hand and holds on to it tightly. I continue hearing shots and screams as me and her stare at each other, not knowing what is going on.

Without a second though we both stand up and start running towards my office. Inside behind a bookshelf is a secret tunnel that we had built in when we bought the house for this specific kind of situation.

I'm running as fast as my legs will take me dragging Valeria behind me.

Once we reach my office door I bust it open only to find Jacob under a pointed gun, three people surrounding him. When he hears the door open he looks over at me, we hold eye contact for a second before he's shot in the shoulder, falling back.

I instantly think back to a while earlier, to the worried look he had the first time I walked in here. That face was serious, protective. The one he had now was one pleading for help, and I couldn't do anything to help him.

I could feel the rage coursing through me. I let go of Valerias hand and started aiming towards the first person I could find.

I jump on his back wrapping my legs around him, my arm coming around his neck and squeezing as hard as I can. I could feel him trying to pull my arm off, but I take my free hand and lock it around my wrist, pulling tighter and holding my arm in place.

I hear a gunshot and feel the guy I'm holding on to fall onto the floor. When I look at the direction the shot came from I see Val, holding a pistol in her hand. She shoots one of the other three men, this time getting the second one in his rib cage.

I let go of the guy I had my arm wrapped around and make my way towards the bookshelf next to my desk. I push as hard as I can, only making an opening wide enough for me and Val to get through.

I hear her shoot another four times.

"Come on!" I yell at her. I look around the bookshelf to see her propping a chair against the door, trying to stop anyone else from coming in. As soon as she successfully blocks the door she runs towards me, reloading her gun in the process.

We squeeze through the crack and start running through the tunnel.

We don't bother to look behind us and just keep running, knowing this trail by memory. It will lead us out to a car right behind the building and we'll have to drive through the trees to be able to get to our closest safe house.

"No matter what happens I need you to keep yourself safe." Valeria says quickly. I glance over at her for one second and look behind us, hearing footsteps and gunshots nearing us.

"You're crazy." Are the only words I'm able to let out.
It feels like lungs want to collapse, the only thing keeping me going is the adrenaline coursing through my body.

We both stop for a quick second and pick up guns and armor vests we had hidden in the tunnel, knowing that if we ever needed to use it we'd need guns and armor too.

"I'm not crazy Marina. You know I love you." By the time I turn around she already has her tactical vest on and is holding a shotgun. Her composure is calm and collected, almost like she knew this day would happen.

Sin Miedo - Simon "ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now