Chapter 6 - New Clothes

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I open my eyes to the sunlight and gunshots outside my window.

I blink myself awake, not being surprised by the gunshots. Once I pay attention to my surroundings I remember everything that's happened within the past day.

I shoot out of bed, standing still to regain my balance for a couple seconds. I look out the window, seeing some people out on the shooting range.

There's a small couch right in front of the window that I didn't notice yesterday. I head over slowly and sit down at the edge of it, not wanting to be too noticeable to the people downstairs.

Once I look outside I see multiple people, only recognizing Soap and Ghost. They are shooting at practice targets next to each other.

Soap takes a couple shots then looks over at Ghost, almost to get approval from him. Once Ghost looks over slightly and nods his head a smile spreads across Soaps face, and he goes back to shooting at the target.

I hear a soft knock on my door and I quickly look over, getting caught of guard. I stand up from the couch and make my way over slowly. I try the door handle and this time it opens.

I pull the door slightly and peek one eye out, seeing another masked man outside.

This one has a different face covering on, more like a loose piece of fabric covering his face, just two holes cut out for the eyes. I open the door more and it feels like I need to open it all the way before I can actually see his whole body.

"Good morning, here you go." He says.

He hands me a duffel bag and once I take it he turns and leaves. I peek my head out, seeing him walk towards the exit.

"Thank you?" I say, more of a question that an actual statement.

I bring the bag inside and sit in the floor right in between the dresser and the end of the bed. I open the zipper and look inside, digging through it and taking things out. I realize it's more clothes, but the more I take out I realize that they're my clothes from home.

There's a mixture of all different types of of clothes and toiletries. T-shirts, jeans, shorts, sports bras, even my underwear.

I look down at the clothes confused, not knowing how any any of these clothes got here or who would've went back to my house to pack clothes for me.

The more I think about it the angrier I get.

Instead of thinking to come get me and take me to get my own clothes they decide to break into my house once again, this time snooping through my stuff?

I stand up and run out of my room. I quickly go down the stairs, looking for anyone that I recognize.

I pass a couple people in uniform, everyone staring at me as I stomp through the lobby. I finally find the door to go out to the shooting range and head towards the only people I know.

"Who the fuck went into my home and thought it was okay to go through my stuff?" I ask loudly as I head towards Soap and Ghost. They look back at me and Ghost puts his gun down first.

He heads towards me and grabs my arm, pulling me away from the shooting range but not too far. I struggle to keep up with his long footsteps, trying to pull my arm out his grip but he keeps a tight hold.

He finally stops and softens his grip, allowing me to rip my arm out of his hand.

"I believe the word you're looking for is thank you, stop acting like a brat." He says.

I look at him in disbelief and can hear Soap coming behind us. By that comment alone I can tell he was the one that went and got the clothes.

"Thank you? For what? For sneaking into my house and going through my stuff like a creep? Didn't you for a second think that maybe you could just take me to get my own stuff?" I say.

Sin Miedo - Simon "ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now