My eyes flickered over to Niall for a moment, and by the soft snores that were emitting from him, I assumed that he was completely out of it. If I just stay quiet I bet I can get this thing filmed.

I leaned over to the right to grab my laptop with a multitude of stickers on the cover of it, and managed to pick it up with one arm. I got settled back in and typed in my password which was strange with only one hand. I managed to get onto the editing software I used and clicked the button to film with my laptop, which I never have used before but I knew of its existence. I let out a breath of air before pressing the record button, kind of not wanting to explain everything all at once.

"Hi guys," I said quietly, waving to the camera, "I know that this is an unusual video, but I need to explain myself and it needs to be short."

I didn't say much for about thirty seconds. I took that time to think of everything that I wanted them to know and needed to tell them.

Running my fingers through my hair, I closed my eyes for a moment then began speaking.

I explained everything from when I had kidney cancer as a child, had slight bone cancer in my left arm, had a tumor in my left arm, had chemo, what the doctor told me about my arm, and why my arm wasn't there anymore. I spoke of my dream and the choice thing and how that was truly astonishing, and just thanked my fans for not giving up on me. I thanked them for all of their support throughout my years of YouTube. I thanked my friends as well as my family. Louis, Liam, Zayn, Harry, Greg, and Niall being my family. I didn't forget to mention Harry and I's relationship in there somewhere.

When I ended the video, I realized that it ended up to be almost fifteen minutes of just me sitting in a hospital bed talking. Without editing it, I immediately uploaded it to YouTube and called it 'What I Haven't Told You'. I think that the title explains the whole gist of it.

It took some time to upload, but when it did, it didn't take long for people to start replying to it and reacting. I read through as many comments as possible, ignoring the hate ones and sometimes laughing at how stupid they were. On the other hand, my fans, that are known as the Horanators (I didn't pick it, don't judge me), were freaking out. They all told me to get well and stuff, but they were surprised. It's almost as if they were over exaggerating about how I'm gonna die or something. I had to tweet several times about how I'm not dying and that I'm okay.

I was scrolling through my comments and trying to reply to each one so intently that I didnt notice my phone buzzing from Joey calling me, and was a bit scared when I heard someone knocking on the door.

I grimaced, looking over to Niall and realized that I forgot to wake him up and let him get ready and whatnot for my friends.

"Come in!" I call to Joey and Shane who I knew was on the other side of the door.

The door opens to Joey, Shane, and a large bouquet of flowers that was being held by Joey. He was also holding his vlogging camera which made me wonder how he opened the door.

"Hey Em!" He exclaims a little too loudly. I put a finger to my lips, indicating him to be quiet, and nodded my head to Niall who was sprawled out on the small bed with his IV chord tangled around his arm.

Joey shoots me a sheepish look, setting the flowers on the window sill and coming over to hug me whilst Shane tries not to laugh at him. I notice Shane is holding a bag that seems to be full of something. I really hope it's food.

I hug Shane as well and we greet each other before they sit in some chairs next to my bed. I also sat criss-crossed so I felt like I was actually hanging out with them in a normal room and not a hospital room.

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