Chapter 1: Techno Threat

Start from the beginning

On the other hand Trisha was fighting with a woman. She has also gray hair and gold eyes with black sclera. The couple turns out they had committed for being pretentiousness. Trisha was blocked with her staff from a woman-turned demoness' sword as a woman was trying to slash Trisha. When a man-tuned demon has sent back after he was tossed by Sangoku, Trisha pushed a woman away with her staff. A woman was also sent back, ended up bumped into her lover. They're both fell on the ground. Sangoku and Minamisawa were stared at them, hoping that they couple-turned demons to surrender. But, they refused as they used teleportation to escape.

Believing that the couple had managed to escape, they're shocked as someone's block them right in front of them. It was Amagi. When the couple were trying to run away from Amagi, at the same time, someone's threw the two kunais at them, but it missed only to scare them. It was Trini.

"You all have reached to the stop," Trisha taunted the couple-turned demons. "Because, the train has arrived," she added as someone's dashed toward them. It was Kurumada. "Get into the train," she ended her taunts as Kurumada tackled the couple, made them sent flying.

As the couple was in the sky, Minamisawa made a sword slash and it hit them. They are now turning into ashes. Minamisawa stared at Sangoku with his smile. Then, Sangoku showed his smile and gave him a thumbs up. They were accomplished their mission.

*Insert song stops*

When Sangoku's group were walking back to the headquarters, Sangoku had noticed that his girlfriend, Trisha went to the different direction. There's a crow flying and Trisha following it. "Trisha?" he said.

"What's wrong?" Kurumada asked.

Sangoku pointed with his finger and said, "She's just following the crow."

"A crow?" Amagi said in confused.

Sangoku nodded and said, "Maybe let's follow her." Kurumada, Amagi, Minamisawa, and Trini nodded.

At the rooftop, Trisha was still following the crow and she stopped. Along with a crow, there's a hooded boy who has bronze shirt with black jacket. He has also wear gloves with a gauntlets (which is similar to Kurumada's). He's leaning on the fences.

The crow was turning into a boy. It was one of his abilities. It was an another hodded boy has a dark green shirt with black coat, and dark green gloves.

He was about to talk with Trisha. "It's has been a long time," a boy with a black coat said with his smile.

"Yeah," Trisha replied as she put her hood off with her smile.

"What do you have to tell me?" he asked.

As Trisha was about to answer and said, "It was-"

Sangoku came and shouted as he interfered, "Trisha!"

Trisha and the boy with a coat heard with Trisha turned her head. Sangoku, along with Kurumada, Amagi, Trini, and Minamisawa were already at the rooftop with their hood and mask off.

Kurumada stared at Trini. "Do you know those guys, Trini?" he asked.

"No," she answered.

A boy with a black coat smiled and said, "So, you're with my childhood friend, Trisha," with Trisha turned her head as she stared at him. A boy in a bronze shirt with a black jacket was also smiled as well.

Sangoku's group were shocked in surprise, especially Amagi with his eyes widened as he heard something familiar to him.

"What did he say? His childhood friend?" Trini said in confused.

"Masaka..." Amagi said and a boy in a coat was about to unhood.

As he put his hood off, he has a cardinal hair, brown eyes, and pointed ears. He showed his smiled at Amagi and said, "Long time no see, my friend."

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