To Be (1) [English]

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The time when Halilintar turn into a sword Nee will make it more dramatic in the perpective of our ever lazy polar bear



























Ice get a bad feeling. Not that extreme bad feeling when one of them is taken away from them again. Ice doesn't want and doesn't have the energy to recall the incident(?) or tragedy(?) that left them functionally incapable of controlling their emotions.

He is indeed angry.

He even felt a sense of hopelessness.

Ice is actually a proud individual. He is the only person among his siblings who has the ability to pinpoint their enemy before they even begin attacking, and knowing that he failed to do that, he just adds salt to the already open wound.

He should have trusted his gut feeling. The feeling when the inside of your stomach flips to the other side just for the fact of seeing someone. He should have known something like that had happened before, when they faced that alien and the sign was already in front of them. 

It took only a minute. Their allies turned enemies, first nullifying the strongest among them, the youngest, with the most bastard move that Ice ever saw after that alien choked him near death.

It was quick and precise, with the element of surprise that they couldn't react in time. They could only see the aftermath as the youngest took a staggered step back with his chest blooming in red, then fell over.

They shoot him.

They shoot their youngest, aiming for the heart, to kill him on the spot! But thanks to everything beyond, Solar, as ever, took precautions and dodged in time but still got shot in the chest.

And they still dared. They dare to aim at him again, this time on the head.

It was blind fury, maybe, as the eldest let out one of the strongest thunders ever to grace the ground.

The ground trembled with force, and he, Ice, ran. Ice runs as quickly as he can to the youngest. He is almost slipping, yet his mind only recognizes the words "Stop the bleeding!".

His other brother has the same idea. They scarmbled. Their three eldest immediately attacked without mercy, and the other three approached the youngest. 

He is the first one to reach him and see the luxurious red-tainted half of his cloth. He saw their youngest hand glowing dimly, trying to restore the wound. Their youngest eyes glassed, clearly fighting between the pain and the consciousness slowly slipping away from him.

"Solar, stay with us."

"Heh, I'm trying—"


Their little green might as well join the battle, if not because of his secondary role as the healer of the team after Solar. With tears streaming from his face, their green brother tends to the best of his ability. Thorn can't possibly do much with this kind of wound. They need medical assistance, and their only choice is to back off from this weird battle.

But how should Ice wake his other brother when his own closest older brother says with an expressionless face, "Ice, protect them"

Ice could only nod. He takes the matter of ensuring Solar survival into his own hands. As much as he wants revenge, just like how his twin eyes blazed up with the fire itself, he has a duty to protect their two youngest. He had a duty to wait for reinforcements to arrive and hope that this battle would end with them becoming the winners.

Or so he thought.

He never likes to hope to begin with, and hoping is always letting you down to the pit of hell. He shouldn't hope.

He heard that scream. 

How the sky asunders with the power with which they should be familiar.

How his siblings desperately shout the name of someone he never thought would fall on this kind of battlefield.

Or the terrified faces of Thorn and Solar.

Ice obstructs their view with his own body.

"Abang Hali—

"Thorn, your focus is on Solar!"

"Move, I have too—"

"You're incapable of doing anything other than breathing right now, Solar!!"

He couldn't let them see him

He couldn't let Thorn or Solar see him

In Solar already precautionary situation, Ice wanted their youngest to survive, even if they just lost one of them.

Boboiboy Short-Fanfic AU Season 2Where stories live. Discover now