Trial 2-3: The Temple Of Ice

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Another execution... I.. can't do anything about it!

"Let's give it everything we've got it's PUNISHMENT TIME!" Monokuma cheered.

"Mahiru! Mahiru!" Hiyoko was really panicking now.

Monokuma then pushed the red button, beginning the last thing any of us would want to see.

Game Over!

Hiyoko has been found guilty!

Time for the Punishment!

Hiyoko was whisked away by a metal collar and chain into the execution grounds, what none of us expected was for Mahiru to run in after her. The doors closed after Mahiru rushed in and we were forced to watch on the screen.

It cut to a large stage for Hiyoko to dance on and she was connected to many strings by Monokuma who intended to make her dance like a puppet.

Hiyoko's Execution

The Blooded Dancer

Monokuma pulled the strings and makes them ring, as Hiyoko was under his control, Hiyoko tried to break free by attempting to run away, but she was then stabbed in the foot by a trapped spike, every wrong step she would take would trigger a trap and spill more of her blood, bloody cuts formed everywhere on her body, stabbed by spikes, cut by knifes, and more painful wounds.

Eventually Mahiru made it onto the stage, she was trying to rescue Hiyoko, unfortunately whilst she was carefully walking on the stage.. a switch clicked beneath her feet, she triggered a trap and before Mahiru knew it... an axe swung down.. and cut her right arm clean off.. with a scream she covered her cut off right arm and accidentally staggered onto another trap, it triggered a bear trap beneath her... it ended up slamming shut on her legs cutting them both off and letting out a horrific scream. Hiyoko then noticed this and broke free of the strings and dashed to Mahiru... but that was her last move.

The next moment, she was impaled by spikes from all sides... and her eyes...blanked out..

Hiyoko Saionji made her last move.

Hiyoko Saionji was dead.


"This cannot be!? Even Mahiru!?" Sonia gasped in terror.

"Wh-wh-What!" I shouted in shock. Mahiru was executed alongside Hiyoko?! Wait... doesn't that mean Monokuma violated his own rule?

"Th-This is bad This shouldn't be allowed! People dying so easily... falling like dominoes!" Ibuki said whilst foaming at the mouth.

"Y-you Bastard! What is this!?" Nekomaru bellowed

"Th-This can't be... This is... a lie right? Hiyokoooooooooooooo! Mahiruuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Hajime screamed out.

"For heaven's sake... this is just the worst.. jeez... what a waste. This conclusion... what a waste.... this is why... she should have just discussed it with me... it was supposed to be a clash between two hopes, but it was crushed into something so unpalatable." Nagito monologues.

"You...You're still talking about that?!" Chiaki says.

"The hell's wrong with you!? Aren't you pissed that two of your friends got killed?!" Akane berates.

"I am pissed... and I even feel sad and hopeless... but still... it's going to be alright! This Despair is worthless! Even this Despair is just a ladder to a bright, shining future that awaits us! The higher the ladder, the brighter we can shine! That is the unmistakable truth!" Nagito monologues.

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