Chapter 14: The Two Countries of The Stone World

Start from the beginning

Senku smirked at her words, "Makin' it sound pretty easy there."

"What's with the secrets? Come on, that's not fair! Lemme in on it!" Taiju grinned at them,

"Well I was thinking maybe we should head over to join Tsukasa." Yuzuriha smiled nervously at Taiju.

Lalaine and Athena's jaw dropped after hearing her, Taiju gave her a closed-eyed smile. 

"Ah, I see! We're going back to Tsukasa!" 

His brain processed what Yuzuriha said. He went real close to her face as if she grew another head.


Yuzuriha blushed at the small distance.

Taiju started shaking her whole form back and forth.

"WHAT?! WHY?!! HE'S A DANGEROUS MAN WHO KILLED SENKU!!" Taiju remembered the very much alive Senku beside them,  "Well I guess he's not dead though and it's true he was a good guy to start with BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT!! At the very least, Tsukasa definitely believes he killed Senku!!"

Ana suddenly appeared from out of nowhere with an evil smirk on her face. 

"And that's all the more reason why..." The girl said with a sly tone, "That gave us such a great military advantage over him!"

"Currently, Tsukasa believes my current whereabouts to be... Somewhere deep in the afterlife by now." Senku mirrored her expression, "Meanwhile for us, we'll be able to know where Tsukasa is at all times. Can you possibly think of a more advantageous battle for us to fight?"

Ana spoke again, after she saw Athena pointing at herself and Lalaine gesturing at her, "So all four of you are going to join Tsukasa's empire and infiltrate it us our spies!!"

Senku and Ana bumped their fists as they were able to complete each others' sentences. 

"I told the details of the mission to Yuzuriha. Taiju, all you need to do is protect her. With your crude brain, the useless details fill it with, the stronger it is. Lalaine and Athena would be able to help with both."

Taiju chose to trust the three of them, clenching his fist in determination. "ALRIGHT, I'VE GOT IT! JUST LEAVE IT TO ME!!"

Athena flinched as Ana threw an arm around her shoulders.

"Hi there, lady boss." She sent a shaky smile at her.

"Did you think that I'll easily lose my control earlier? Me?" Ana did not return the greeting.

Athena chuckled nervously.

"You see, lemme tell you something! WAIT! LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING!!"

"No, I will tell you something." Ana tightened her hold just a bit as she addressed everyone, "The excuse is that I was so devastated by Senku's death that I separated with your group. That's really all there is. If Tsukasa tries to pry for more details, just tell him..."

Ana turned to Yuzuriha. Surely she would be able to get the hint.

"A woman's feelings is complex. Much more so when they're grieving." She gave her a wink, "It's up to you what reasons you'll add to make it more believable."

Yuzuriha took a short moment to ponder her words before she got it. Yuzuriha smiled back at Ana as she gave the girl a thumbs up.

The only two males stared at the four with a confused look.

Lalaine, Ana and Athena were standing beside each others.

It would be a long while before they can walk side by side again.

[Heavily Editing] Unprecedented Adventure - Dr. STONE FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now