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Jayoung looked through everyone's room. She stopped at a room to see Wi Ha Joon and Jihoon, Hyun Wook, and Ji Chang Wook tied up. She ran to them and helped them to free themselves. "Ha Joon are you okay" she asked him as she hugged him tightly. "Yeah I am okay, did you hurt yourself," Ha Joon asked her with a worried face. "Don't worry about me" she told him. "Guys are you okay" she asked the others. "Yeah We are okay" they replied. She helped them to get up. As they were walking out of there. "How sweet, Your girlfriend came to help you and it's a good thing cuz both of you can die together," Park Taehung told them. Wi Ha Joon, his eyes filled with protectiveness for Jayoung, steps forward, ready to shield her at any cost. As Park Taehyun and his team rush towards them. Jayoung and her companions swiftly formed a defensive stance, their movements coordinated in silent synchrony.
The skirmish erupted into a fierce ballet of combat. Wi Ha Joon unleashed a flurry of calculated strikes, his movements a seamless fusion of strength and precision, his sole focus on protecting Jayoung and their friends. His fists and feet moved with lethal grace, his every action a shield against the encroaching threat. Jihoon and Hyun Wook fought side by side, their teamwork honed through years of camaraderie. They complemented each other's styles effortlessly, striking with agility and determination, their martial prowess a formidable force against their assailants. Ji Chang Wook, normally a calm and collected figure, revealed a different side in the heat of battle. His movements were swift and decisive, displaying an unexpected agility and resourcefulness as he engaged the adversaries, using the environment to his advantage.
Jayoung, a force to be reckoned with, showcased her martial prowess, her swift and calculated strikes a testament to her training. Her focus was unwavering, her every move calculated, each strike aimed with precision. The adversaries, though numerous, were met with an unyielding defense.
The warehouse echoed with the clash of fists and the thunder of kicks, a chaotic symphony of combat.
The skirmish raged on, both sides refusing to yield. As the adrenaline-fueled battle unfolded, the fight grew more intense, sweat glistening on furrowed brows, muscles straining with effort. Jayoung spots an assailant aiming directly at Wi Ha Joon. Reacting instinctively, she rushes to shield him, taking the fatal shot herself.

Time stands still as Jayoung crumples into Wi Ha Joon's arms, his world shattering in that single moment. His heart stops as panic and despair grip him. With trembling hands, he directs the others to rush Jayoung to safety, his voice strained and filled with urgency. "Take her out of here" he yelled at them. Jihoon and Hyun Wook nodes carried Jayoung out.
Overwhelmed by grief and fury, Wi Ha Joon's emotions boil over, driving him to unleash a wrathful assault on their assailants. His strikes are fueled by a mix of desperation and anger, his singular focus on avenging Jayoung's sacrifice. Every move is laced with a raw, visceral intensity, his eyes burning with a searing determination to avenge the woman he loves. His movements were a blur, a relentless onslaught against those who had dared to harm Jayoung.
His strikes were fueled by a tempest of emotions, each blow carrying the weight of his love for her. The warehouse echoed with the clash of bodies, the reverberation of his vengeance echoing through the desolate space.
The adversaries, once confident in their numbers, now fell before Wi Ha Joon's ferocity. He moved with a lethal precision, his eyes ablaze with a singular purpose-retribution for Jayoung's sacrifice. The fury within Wi Ha Joon boiled over, his heart torn between anguish and rage. With a primal scream, he unleashed a storm of wrath upon their assailants. His movements were a blur, a relentless onslaught against those who had dared to harm Jayoung.
His strikes were fueled by a tempest of emotions, each blow carrying the weight of his love for her. The warehouse echoed with the clash of bodies, the reverberation of his vengeance echoing through the desolate space.

Jayoung was rush to the hospital. hospital felt suffocating, each breath a struggle against the weight of loss. Jayoung's eyes, once filled with determination, were now glazed with tears she couldn't hold back. Her hands trembled with a mixture of pain and disbelief, grappling with the harsh reality of her world crumbling around her. The memories of her family flooded her mind-a comforting touch, laughter that filled the air, moments etched in her heart forever. Their absence was a gaping wound, and Jayoung felt adrift in a sea of sorrow, grappling with the unbearable weight of their loss. While Wi Ha Joon dashed into the hospital, his heart pounding in his chest, every step a frantic race against time. The sight of Jayoung being wheeled into the operating room sent a chill down his spine, his breaths shallow as he watched her disappear behind those sterile doors. Jihoon, Hyun Wook, and Ji Chang Wook rushed to his side, their expressions mirroring his worry. Their shared concern was palpable as they sought to comfort Wi Ha Joon, but his mind was fixated on Jayoung-her fragile form disappearing into the unknown. The minutes dragged on like an eternity, each passing second amplifying Wi Ha Joon's anxiety. He paced the sterile corridors, his hands clenched into fists, his heart a relentless drumbeat of fear. Every possible outcome, every worst-case scenario, taunted his thoughts, threatening to overwhelm him. The minutes dragged on like an eternity, each passing second amplifying Wi Ha Joon's anxiety. He paced the sterile corridors, his hands clenched into fists, his heart a relentless drumbeat of fear. Every possible outcome, every worst-case scenario, taunted his thoughts, threatening to overwhelm him.
Jihoon and Hyun Wook stood by his side, offering silent support, their eyes reflecting the same concern etched on Wi Ha Joon's face. Ji Chang Wook's typically composed demeanor wavered, his worry evident despite his efforts to remain stoic. Time became a torturous entity, stretching the moments into an endless wait. Wi Ha Joon's thoughts were a tumultuous whirlwind, his entire being hanging on the fragile thread of hope that Jayoung would pull through. A doctor came from the operating room. "Don't worry The operation went well after some time they will put her in the ward," he told them. Wi Ha Joon's shoulders sagged with a mixture of exhaustion and profound gratitude. A wave of emotions washed over him-relief, gratitude, and a renewed sense of hope. The weight that had been suffocating his chest lifted, replaced by an overwhelming sense of gratitude and a flicker of optimism.
The news spread through the group like a beacon of light in the darkness.
They exchanged relieved glances, a collective sigh of relief escaping their lips. Wi Ha Joon's gaze remained fixed on the operation room doors, a silent prayer of gratitude for the chance that Jayoung might emerge from this ordeal and the hope for their shared future.

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