Incorrect quotes

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Hayden: Hey, Carlos?
Carlos: Yes, Hayden?
Hayden: If you wanted to kiss any boy or girl in Auradon, who would it be?
Carlos: Possibly you and Jay.

Carlos: What did I tell you about burning people?
Hayden: Don't burn people or take their souls.
Carlos: And what did you do?
Hayden: I burnt 10 people's houses and took their souls.
Carlos: And what does that mean?
Hayden: No watching horror movies for three weeks.

Audrey: Who do you think you are?!
Carlos: I'm pretty sure she's the daughter of Hades that will take your soul or she might burn your dress collection.

Mal: Is Chad dead or alive?
Hayden: Hopefully dead, I want to burn his body.
Jay and Evie: Do it!
Carlos: *smirks when Chad sits up*
Chad: *points at Hayden.* "First of all, fuck you!
*Hayden snaps her fingers, burning his shirt.*
Chad: *screams and runs off.*

Younger Hayden: Mommy? Why did you curse Sleeping Beauty?

Maleficent: I could've done that to Queen Leah, but I wanted my revenge.

Younger Hayden: When can I do that?

Maleficent: You have to much of your father's powers, so when you're older, I can teach you.

Pain: What is 2 + 2?

Younger Hayden: 4!

Pain: 4+4?

Younger Hayden:8!

Pain: 8+8?

Younger Hayden: 16!

Pain: 16 +16?

Younger Hayden: 32!

Pain: 32+32?

Younger Hayden:64!

Pain: *to Panic* Math is too smart for her.

Panic: For a five year old, she's smart.

*Pain froze*


The Underworld Princess// Carlos RedoWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt