Chapter 18 - Truth - 29/11/2023

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Upon the snowy canvas, where winter weaves its tale,

A solitary soul ascends, a dreamer, brave and frail.

Along a narrow path, forgotten by the hands of time,

The trail winds up the mountain, a silver thread to climb.

Nature's silent struggles unfold in the biting, coldest air,

As frosty breath and swirling snowflakes dance with flair.

The wind, a chilling symphony, attempts to seize control,

To cast the valiant traveler into the abyss, a daunting toll.

Beneath his feet, a gentle creak, a whisper from the ground,

A rhythmic dialogue with Earth in quietude profound.

Each step, a tender waltz, a balance of dream and truth,

In a world where every footprint is a testament to youth.

The snow, a blanket pristine, a trial for uncertain feet,

A contrast to the wanderer's attire, dark and discreet.

A journey where each footfall echoes resilience and belief,

A pilgrimage to something greater, beyond the frozen reef.

The crunch of frost-kissed branches, the sparkle of ice,

As the intrepid traveler forges a tale both bold and nice.

Against the biting winds, a spirit unbowed, unbroken,

A dance with winter's embrace, a silent promise spoken.

Caution, a steadfast companion on this poetic trail,

Where slippery slopes could turn courage frail.

In the midst of frosted twigs and glistening crystal shards,

The traveler crafts a saga amid nature's frigid guards.

It's an odyssey where footprints etch a mark profound,

A hymn to endurance, a harmony with the snow-covered ground.

Against the gusts that challenge the soul's might,

The journey persists, a poetic ascent toward the light.

So, the wanderer proceeds, a poetic figure on the snowy lane,

Each step an exclamation, defiance against winter's reign.

The mountain beckons, a dialogue 'twixt man and earth,

The trail, an unseen dance of survival and rebirth.

He feels the death is near

The Ölum's near

Beneath the moonlit waves, where time's illusions wane,

A cosmic crustacean scuttle, bearing dreams untamed.

In the ocean's reverie, surreal and vast,

Existence is a seashell, echoing the past.

Through kelpy forests, thoughts like jellyfish drift,

A serenade of echoes, as surreal as the sea's own gift.

Insectile choirs, with carapace wings,

Serenade the depths with enigmatic zings.

The seafloor pulsates with forgotten desires,

As shrimp and starfish engage in cryptic conspiracies entire.

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