Chapter Four - Meeting Prince Charming

Start from the beginning

The two looked at Nicolette and Devon gave a big smirk, knowing all he had to do to make her miserable was to get her expelled from this Academy.

“I can’t make any judgments until I hear out the whole story,” she stated. “However, it does seem like this problem occurred when the two of your provoked each other. Regardless of who started this incident, you two will both be doing kitchen duty for the next month and on top of that, you will each be serving two weeks detention for half an hour in my office. If you don’t attend to them, I will make sure that there would be consequences to that.” the Headmistress said in a stern voice.

“WHAT!” roared Devon, “when I tell my father about this, he will not be pleased, regardless of my sister.”

The women placed a hand on her forehead for a moment and sighed.

“Alright, I know how much your father supports this school and I know things would be a lot worse if we lost him…” she said slowly before heaving another sigh. “Okay, how about this, you have kitchen duty for two weeks and detention for one week?” she suggested.

This was crazy, how could the headmistress be bargaining the consequences for this guy?, wondered Nicolette in dismay.

Devon was still pissed about that, but by the look on the Headmistress’s face, he could tell that she wasn’t going to budge on the offer.

“Fine!” he spat out. “Wait till my father hears.” growled Devon as he walked off.

Nicolette stood still, in deep thought before noticing the creases on the headmistress’s forehead. She wanted to argue it out with the headmistress too, but that would not be respecting her elders as Nicolette parents had taught her to. She just sighed, feeling a little bit sorry for her.

“Do you have to deal with him that way everyday?”

The headmistress gave a thin smile. “Yes, he’s quiet a problem for a lot of the teachers, but even then he gets away with almost everything.”

“Almost everything?” repeated Nicolette.

“Oh yes, his twin sister, Lillian Shade is the complete opposite of Devon. She’s a sweet, respectable, and caring girl. The concept of the fact that they are twins is quiet strange sometimes.  Anyways, whenever Lillian is here, she tries to makes sure that her brother is put in his place and makes no trouble. I’m sure if you ever meet her, you’ll like her a lot.”

Nicolette wondered for a moment that if this girl, ‘Lillian’ was the complete opposite of her brother, Devon. It was hard to believe that Lillian was some sort of good girl, while her brother was a total pain. However, if what the headmistress said was true, then she wanted to meet her. With a sigh, Nicolette walked out the door.

As she walked out of the office, Nicolette couldn’t help, but take her glasses off and shove them into her pocket. She was starting to get paranoid of them sliding down each time she walked, but that was a mistake. Suddenly, Nicolette bumped into someone and almost fell when a hand shot out to grab her arm.

Slowly steadying herself, she looked up to see two pair of gorgeous green eyes looking down at her.

“My apologies, I bumped into you. Are you okay?” the boy asked, his face showing deep concern.

Nicolette had to tear her eyes away from his green one’s before answering. “Yeah, I’m fine actually. Thanks for your concern… Uh, hey listen, you look familiar, do I know you from somewhere?” she asked, pondering where else she had seen his kind of high cheekbone and blonde hair colour before.

The male gave a smile that look so genuine and almost made Nicolette lose her focus when she noticed the dimples he had when he smiled. Right there and then, she knew that he was different from all the boys that she had ever met, except for Matthew of course.

“Well I don’t think we’ve met, but could you have perchance met Lillian, or Devon Shade?” he questioned.

Nicolette smile began to fade at the mention of the jerk.

“Ah, I see you have met Devon;” laughed the male.

She nodded unenthusiastically. “So what do they have to do with you?”

“They’re my cousin and I apologize again, this time for Devon’s behavior if he ever troubled you before.”

Nicolette raised an eyebrow. “Why should you be apologizing for his behavior, it’s not your fault at all. Anyways, I think I can deal with him for now.” she replied.

“Alright, I’ll be around to help you if you need my nanny 911 assistance.” he joked. “Anyways, the name’s Sklyer, what about yours?”

Nicolette laughed, the first time today. “Thanks, I’ll gladly appreciate it and my name is Nicolette.” she said before there was a gap of silence between then.

She was about say good-bye to him, but suddenly within two swift movements, Sklyer took a pen out of his pocket and reached for her hand.

Nicolette’s heart hammered in her chest for a moment as she felt his delicate touch. Suddenly the ball tip of his pen touched her skin and within seconds, a number was written down on the back of her hand.

Skyler let her hand go and gave another smile. “I’ll talk to you soon.” he said before walking away, humming a soft melody, leaving Nicolette stunned and even more dazed.

"Damn, I can't be falling for another guy... am I?" she mumbled to herself.


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