A Contract Signed

Start from the beginning

Floyd grins. "Can do!"

"Now, now. Let's not be hasty, gentlemen."

Grim sighs with relief when Azul stops Floyd. Azul looks back to you with a smug grin. "Y/N, the lone student at your dorm has weighed in on the matter. What say you? Will you put Ramshackle Dorm up as collateral and make a contract with me?"

Grim looks at you pleadingly. "Pleeease, Y/N. I'm beggin' here..."

"Y/N, don't do it!" Jack takes your hands in his. "You know he's just gonna name some unreasonable terms you could never possibly meet."

You look between Grim and Jack. If you put your dorm up for collateral, who knows what could happen. But... You think about Deuce and Ace. If you could save your friends, then would it be worth it?

With a sigh, you turn back to Azul. "What are your terms for granting my wish?"

Azul smiles like he won. "That's the sporting attitude I like to see."

"Hey! Are you serious?" Jack looks at you with disbelief.

"It's the only way, Jack." You try to reason with him. "How else can we free everyone?"

"We can come up with something!" Jack counters. "You don't always have to put your neck on the line for everyone!"

Grim hugs your leg. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Grim! Your getting water all over me!" You pry Grim off you.

"Here's the deal..." Azul says to you. "I want you pilfer a certain photograph from the Atlantica Memorial Museum in the Coral Sea before the sun sets on the third day from now."

"You want me to steal a piece of art?" You ask.

"No, not a piece of art. A photo." Azul pushes his glasses into place. "One commemorating a visit to the museum from Prince Rielé, taken ten years ago."

Jack folds his arms. "Gonna need more detail than that."

"It's a photo panel placed right near the museum entrance. It has no historic value whatsoever." Azul informs. "Borrowing it would not cause any particular fuss."

Grim tilts his head. "Then why do you want it at all?"

Azul smirks. "What's the point of a challenge if it's not challenging? If I were to concoct a trifling errand, I would simply be giving away my end of it, wouldn't I? I'm not running a charity here."

"The Atlantica Memorial Museum is a renowned tourist attraction that houses a good twenty different cultural artifacts." Jade moves to stand behind you. "That includes the Silver Hair Comb, a Coral Sea national treasure, and the Mermaid Princess's Prized Cork Openers, among others. We're not asking you to find a speck of gold dust on the seabed here."

Floyd scratches his head. "Oh, hey, didn't we go there on an elementary school field trip once?"

"Hold on." Jack stands up, glaring at Azul. "The nation of the Coral Sea is at the bottom of the ocean, right? It's not exactly hospitable to land mammals like us with no fins or gills. I think you're askin' too much here."

"What he said!" Grim puts his paws in his hips. "I can't breathe underwater, y'know!"

Azul rolls his eyes. "That sounds like a you problem..." Azul clears his throat. "is what I would normally say, but fear not. I will provide you with our very own magic potions. They'll enable you to breathe underwater."

Azul pulls something from his desk drawer and pulls something out. He sets down a couple shell shaped vial that glows a bright green.

"Once, when a poor little mermaid princess fell in love with a human, the Sea Witch was kind enough to grant her legs to walk upon the earth. And really, what are any of us without a sense of charity?"

Azul laughs. "So, what do you say? Do we have a deal? Will you agree to a contract with me?"

Azul pulls out a golden contract and slides it towards you. You glance back to Grim who's nodding his head vigorously. You look to Jack and he folds his arms, shaking his head.

"I'm afraid I don't have all day, so if you could make your decision now, I'd appreciate it." Azul insists.

You back to Azul. "Okay, it's a deal."

Azul smiles. "Excellent! Go ahead and sign the scroll, then I give you my word that I will release the two hundred and twenty five sea anemones currently doing my bidding. Should you fail at your challenge, however..."

Azul smirks at you. "Ramshackle Dorm will belong to me, and as a student of that dorm, you will belong to me as well."

Azul hands you a feather quill and you take it, signing your name. Azul rolls up the scroll, laughing. "There we are. Signature received. The contract is now in effect. Should you successfully steal the photo from the Atlantica Memorial Museum and bring it to me before sunset on the third day from now."

"Great." You say sarcastically.

"Jade. Floyd." Azul stands from his chair. "If you could kindly walk our guest home?"

Jade and Floyd nod. Azul steps in front of you and takes your hand. "I'll see you in three days."

Azul kisses your hand, grinning at you all the while.

Jade and Floyd walk you back to your dorm. Jack walks next to you in case the twins might be up to something. Grim happily trots on all fours next to you, happy that he'll be free from the anemone.

Jade opens the door to Ramshackle. "After you, m'lady."

Jack places a hand to your shoulder before you step in. "Need me to keep an eye on those two?"

You shake your head. "No, I'll be alright." You try to give him your best reassuring smile. "I'll meet you out here."

Jack nods and folds his arms, standing guard outside the dorm. You step inside, closely followed by the twins. You walk up the stairs to your room but the twins still follow.

"So this is Ramshackle Dorm." Jade puts a hand to his chin. "This is my first time inside, and already I'm smitten by its charm. It's close to school as well. It would be a perfect site for a Mostro Lounge branch cafe."

Floyd spins in a circle, looking around at everything. "There's ghosts living here, right? That sounds rad."

Grim quirks an eye. "Why're you guys followin' us inside, anyway?"

"Uh, 'cause this place is collateral in a deal between Y/N and Azul? Duh?" Floyd responds.

"Myah?" Grim's eyes widened.

Jade nods, a smile ever present on his face. "Unlike the rest of you, Y/N has no power to put up as collateral. So we're confiscating the dorm instead."

"Say WHAT?"

You roll your eyes. "I thought you heard everything when you were eavesdropping, Grim."

"I didn't hear that part though!"

You sigh. "Clearly."

"This dorm belongs to Azul until you hold up your end of the bargain." Jade places a hand on your shoulder. "Hence, I'm afraid I must ask you to vacate the premises immediately."

Floyd appears by your side, holding onto your other shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll give you time to pack your stuff. So nice, right?"

"Once this dorm officially enters Azul's possession, we will be disposing of all personal belongings in it." Jade continues. "I suggest you prepare accordingly."

Floyd chuckles gleefully. "Don't worry! We'll give it all back if you bring us the photo before the third sunset."

Both the twins laugh like the aspect of you succeeding was a hilarious feat.

Grim rushes into your room. "MRAAAH! I gotta save all the tuna!"

You step out of the twins grasp and make your way into your room. "Guess I better start packing then."

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