Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~ I can't Do This Anymore 2~

Start from the beginning

Straight to voicemail. My heart felt like it had been ripped out my chest.

The beeps go, a voicemail started.

"Hey baby girl. It's mum, if your you know that. Listen to me, please, just answer your phone, respond to a text and let me or mumma know you're safe. Sweetheart please, i'm sorry. I'm sorry you've had to put up with me and Kei's stuff lately. You're not in any trouble, at all, I promise, we're working it out baby girl. We ne-need you, we need you home darling, please. Let me or Kei know you're safe and okay, please. I'm sorry babe. I love you so much. We both love you so so much, Please, just ring me or Kei back, text us, whatever, just let us know that you're okay my girl. I- I, it's gonna be alright, me you, Kei, it'll all be fine. I promise we'll all work it out, as a family. I love you so much baby girl, please, mum loves you so much, i'm sorry darling, please come home plea-" I was cut off, whilst uncontrollably sobbing my heart out, my car door was opened and Keira's arms flung around me.

She took the phone out my hand, "Hey darling, just please give one of us a call or text, or one of the Barça girls, let them one of us know where you are, please, I love you so much kiddo" Keira said before hanging up the voicemail.

I just sobbed and sobbed into Keira's arms, "I don't know what- what to do anymore Kei, fuck. Kei, fuck" I cried and cried into my girlfriend's arms.

"sh,sh, sh, it's alright, we'll find her babe, we'll find her" Keira whispered into my ear, rubbing circles on my back with one hand, the other resting on the back of my neck.


I have no idea where I currently am in Barcelona, or if i'm even still in Barça right now, other than i'm on some beach, in the pitch black other than the street lights in the distance, and the moon giving some sort of light.

It's been a good few hours though since I left. And I still do not have a plan or what to do. I look down at my phone, seeing an abundance of phone calls, texts and a voicemail from my mums, and their Barça teammates.

I just stare at the screen. Not knowing what to do, my eyes were stinging very painfully as I looked at my phone, I unlocked it and went onto my notifications to see them all,

76 Missed Calls - Mum
59 Missed Calls - Mumma
11 Missed Calls - La reina
8 Missed Calls - Mapi
3 Missed Calls - Ingrid

Texts -
30 - Mum
24 - Mumma
46 - La reina
5 - Mapi

1 Voicemail-

I didn't both to read the texts, but I couldn't help but see just one voice mail, from my mum.

A 8 minute long voicemail from my mum. Oh god. What've I done.

I hesitantly clicked on it,

"Hey baby girl. It's mum, if your you know that. Listen to me, please, just answer your phone, respond to a text and let me or mumma know you're safe. Sweetheart please, i'm sorry. I'm sorry you've had to put up with me and Kei's stuff lately" That was all it took for me to completely lose it and break down, crying my eyes out at my mums words, who was also crying her heart out on the voicemail. My tears soaking my mum's Barça hoodie that I was currently wearing.

"You're not in any trouble, at all, I promise, we're working it out baby girl. We ne-need you, we need you home darling, please. Let me or Kei know you're safe and okay, please. I'm sorry babe. I love you so much" Oh fuck what have I done. No. No. No

"We both love you so so much, Please, just ring me or Kei back, text us, whatever, just let us know that you're okay my girl. I- I, it's gonna be alright, me you, Kei, it'll all be fine. I promise we'll all work it out, as a family. I love you so much baby girl, please, mum loves you so much, i'm sorry darling, please come home plea- It went dead silent for a moment, before I heard some muffled cries and sobs, with someone else's voice,

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