The Cannibal House part 2

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Majority Decisions:

(!) Husk sticks with the group

(!) Number chosen (6)


Cannibal House, Living Room

Y/n and Niffty (who was clinging onto Y/n's hood) climb's through a window as Y/n peeks from a door, Niffty also peeking from atop of Y/n's head

Y/n: Looks clear

Y/n pushes the door slowly to give him enough space to squeeze in between the as they are now seen in the living room

Y/n: *Looks around* Yep, feels just like that movie

Niffty: What movie?

Y/n: Ever been to Texas?

Niffty only shook her head no

Y/n: Yeah, me neither


Y/n immediately draws Sin out and points behind him to see Husk on the ground from climbing in the same window

Y/n: *Whispers* Husk, the fuck?!

Husk: *Whispers* Sorry, and get the gun out of my face

Niffty: Husky, why are you always so clumsy?

Husk: I'm not these wings aren't helping me

Y/n: *Sigh* Let's keep going

All three of them continued forward as Niffty spotted something

Niffty: Ohhh, what's this?

Y/n: *Notices Niffty wander off* Niffty, what are you doing?

Niffty: There's something here

Y/n and Husk walk over as they notice a small gap on the wall, Y/n kneels down by it

Y/n: Well, this house isn't up to date

Niffty: It looks like there's something in there

(!) Niffty is present in the mission, can access smaller pathways

Y/n: You wanna go in there?

Niffty: *Whispers* I didn't say that!

Husk: Sure sounds like it

Y/n: Well, it's whatever. Do what you want, I gotta find out where they keep them

Y/n walks off with Husk following as Niffty looks back at the hole

(!) Decision (Comment in the text below)

Enter the hole?

Stick together?


Cannibal House, Underground Basement

Martha only creeped closer to Mayberry's position as she stayed quiet, her footsteps getting closer

Mayberry's heart beats fast as she begins holds her breathe from the coming danger

Majority Number Chosen : 6

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