Helluva Boss: Loo Loo Land (Part 2)

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Majority of the decision:

Y/n goes after the Goeitas... man ya'll hate Blitzo that much huh?


Loo Loo Land

Ugh, fuck it he should be able to handle this shit

Y/n continues running over to the last location he saw Octavia and Stolas before looking back as the amusement park goes up in flames

Y/n: (Nervously backs away from the ongoing flames) What The Fuck, I leave his dumbass for one minute only for him to set shit on fire, I gotta find them fast

Y/n glances back and forth just spotting Stolas as he takes off after them


Loo Loo Land, Booths

Back to Moxxie and Millie, where Moxxie has stupidly blown $600 on the same game he's on

Carnie Imp: Wow! Man, you're really starting to make this sad. Y'know, if you suck, you suck! Guess you won't win your hot friend here a prize...

Millie: Let me try!

Millie grabs the pistol and fires a cork at a target, which misses completely but the carnie Imp grins mischievously, and presses a foot pedal in the booth, which causes a target to fall down.

Carnie Imp: Ohhhh, look at that! Lucky shot, baby.

Moxxie: Are you kidding me?! You- you- you charlatan!

Carnie Imp: Hey, uh, get lost, pipsqueak. I'm talkin' to the lady~

Just then Blitzo crashes through the booth and onto the scamming imp

Moxxie: [surprised] Sir?!

Blitzo: [dazed] Ohhh, hey, guys! You should probably go, uh, make sure Stolas is okay. I've... got some unfinished business to take care of.

Moxxie and Millie run off while grabbing one of the "Things" as Blitzo fires his flintlock at Robo Fizz, who catches the bullet with his teeth and spits it out.

Blitzo: Oh, what a mouth.

He cringes after realizing what he just said, and jumps out of the way as Robo Fizz charges at him again. He crashes into the booth, sending the Things flying everywhere. One of them lands on the head of a teenage Imp getting his picture taken with his family.

Father: Goddammit, Nathan! You ruined another bloody photo! Why were you even born?!


Loo Loo Land

Stolas: Octavia?

Octavia: [off-screen] Just leave me alone!

Stolas: Octavia!

Octavia runs into a building called the "Fun House" as Stolas follows her, behind him Y/n wasn't too far back. Inside, Stolas is confronted with a surreal room of eyes, tubes, spikes, mirrors, and disembodied hands. He goes further into the room, looking around for where his daughter could have gone. A shadow appears behind Stolas, as a random Imp jumps upon his back.

Stolas: [annoyed] Umm, I think I'm supposed to be bodyguarded right now!

The Imp covers Stolas' mouth with his shirt sleeve, but suddenly


The imp is shot in the head and falls to the ground

Stolas: [wipes Imp blood off of sleeve] Ugh, that's better. Where is Blitzy?

Y/n: Not here at the moment, where's Via?

Stolas: I saw her come in here but I'm not sure where she went

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