Hotel Cook Off, and an Anonymous message to the Half Breed

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Here it is everyone sorry for the wait but here is some more hazbin nonsense created enjoy and be hungry while you read


Hazbin Hotel

7 Days later from last chapter

Of texting to Loona and Octavia (whose been "grounded" ever since the incident with her parents/her mother discovering Y/n's appearance), Y/n getting more used to his powers along with much more headaches and rare nosebleeds so Y/n made it a rule to only use his powers only when necessary

Then there was working with Verosika and running back to hell with no sign of Ebony, saving any more demons in hell needing saving from the half breed himself (much to Y/n's growing popularity and issuing a "lay low" protocol for Y/n) and now back at the hotel now for the preparation of Angel's and Alastor's little cooking competition

Charlie: So you both are really sure you want to do this? (Holding Fat Nuggets in her arms)

Angel: Oh yeah princess, I'll make Alastor be my little pet

Alastor: Oh no you won't, I'll make sure little Nuggets will be my next meal for breakfast

Angel: Back the fuck off Alastor

Alastor: I won't listen to a slut like yourself Angel

Y/n: (Annoyed) Alright we get it, whoever wins gets to do whatever they want with the other person

Y/n: But honestly Alastor don't fucking eat Fat Nuggets

Angel: Oh Y/n you do love Fat Nuggets, you hear that little Nuggets he loves you

Alastor: Y/n, I disapprove of this

Y/n: (Nonchalant) I didn't ask Al deal with it

Charlie: Y/n's right, why would you eat this cute little guy? (cuddles with Fat Nuggets)

Alastor: Oh my dear, I think I can name several reasons

Y/n: Sounds like a you problem (triggering Alastor while making Vaggie and Niffty giggle a bit)

Y/n: Besides this ordeal is between you and Angel, no one else

Alastor: Fine, I'll think of something else right after I crush you

Angel: Try me, yeah strawberry pimp

The two make their way into their rooms leaving the rest to think about the situation

Vaggie: Well this will be interesting, as long as they don't destroy the kitchen

Niffty: (Excited) Well I think this will be fun, oh I can't wait to see what they'll make

Y/n: I wouldn't be surprised if one or both of them tried cheating somehow and in someway

Husk: Huh I second that, those two clowns are gonna do anything to win at this rate

Y/n: (Friendly) What you would fucking cheat too wouldn't you?

Husk: If your talking about cooking nah I don't, gambling through..... fuck yeah

Charlie: Oh that's right we'll need judges to judge the food they'll make, maybe even decide what kinds of food they must make

Vaggie: Charlie we can't just have them make food for too many rounds we'll waste the food supplies fast

Y/n: So we can do at least 3 rounds then, one for appetizers, one for entreés, and one for desserts, we can spare that right?

Niffty: (Confident) Yep, it'll be enough to last us a few more meals before you guys go get more food

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