Resolve and Visions of one's past Part 2

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Author's Note: Hey everyone, sorry for the wait. I've just been busy and now currently working at Seaworld which is why I haven't quite been working on my story/stories but wait no further, here's to the next chapter


Pentagram City, Theater

Walking in the theater, Y/n and Loona were looking for seats in the theater as Y/n only looks up behind him seeing empty seats up top

Y/n: Up there

Loona only looks to see where Y/n was looking

Loona: Really, far from the screen?

Y/n: It's better than being up close to the screen

Loona: ...*Grins* Pussy

Y/n: Fuck you

Loona: *Snickers* Alright whatever, come on

Both only start making their way up past a couple demons who noticed Y/n slowing going to pull out their phones

Y/n: Goddamnit

Loona: *Rolls eyes* Just move your ass

Loona only leads Y/n to the seats for the two of them as they sit down in their seats

Y/n: Well, comfortable enough... I suppose

Loona: Yeah, seats are shit

Y/n goes to take a bite of his hotdog, chewing on it

Loona: So, how long have you been planning for this moment?

Y/n: *Swallows hot dog* Ehh, give it 5 or so days, more if you count the curious cat in the room 'Along with a number of other things before'

Loona: Cat... 'Ebony'

Y/n: Yeah, she's been wondering what I've been doing during my time off, anytime I happen to be in my apartment she's always up against me just trying to pry my attention from my phone. *Mutters* Something she's definitely done before whenever I'm doing anything

Loona: *Eye Twitches*

Y/n: So that's when I decided to stay at the Happy... or Hazbin Hotel at the time-

Loona: Only to be bothered by that bratty girl

Y/n: You mean Crymini... harsh, but yes

Loona: *Grins* I'm telling her you agree she's bratty

Y/n: ...

The movie screen flashes bright as Y/n covers his eyes before looking back to see-

Young Y/n: Hurry, hurry!

Y/n only sees his past self and his family getting into seats ahead of them

D/n: Alright, oh I forgot to get snacks, don't worry I'll be back

Before Y/n's dad walks back leaving M/n and the kids

Just then Y/n's mom hears her phone ring as she quickly fishes it out

M/n: Hey, I need all of you to stay put here, I have to take this phone call real quick ok?

Young Y/n: But-

Y/n's mom only gets up and leaves the three kids alone as young Y/n only gets a little sad

Young S/n: Hey, they'll be back. It's just some food and a stupid phone call they're getting

Young Y/n: ...

Young B/n: I'm hungry

Young S/n only smacks Young B/n behind the head causing Young Y/n to laugh

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