To Stealth or Not to Stealth, Homecoming Princess

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Majority decisions:

(!) Octavia hides at the bus stop and in the phone booth

(!) Y/n hides in a phone booth and at the bus stop

Let's see, who gets caught?


Pride Ring, Streets (Otherside)

Y/n moves onward as a pair of demons is seen up ahead, looking between a phone booth and a theater with demons.

Y/n quickly hides in the phone booth as he leans against the surface of the phone booth making him vanish from sight as the pair walk past, one of them tried looking in the phone booth through the glass but couldn't detect Y/n

Demon: Why are you looking in a phone booth, no one's in there

Demon 2: I mean... I thought I saw someone go in there?

Demon: Well you're clearly blind then

Demon 2: Fuck you ya twat

As the pair walk past Y/n walks out the phone booth becoming visible once more and continues moving forward

Y/n: That worked out way too well than I expected, hopefully Via's still fine


Pride Ring, Streets

Octavia begins moving as the first group of the mob bosses goons approach as she looks between a bus stop and a bar.

Octavia immediately goes to the bus stop and hides behind the board with an ad for weight loss on it.

Demon: Weren't they around here a minute ago?

As the demons get closer Octavia circles around the board avoiding their sight completely.

Demon 2: Yes, now shut up and keep looking before the boss gets us

The two demons walk away as Octavia let's a sigh of relief

Octavia: Ok they didn't you, they didn't see you.

Before moving on past the other normal demons before she looks over at Y/n's side

Octavia: Y/n... I hope no one catches you over there


Pride Ring, Streets (Otherside)

Y/n continues onward as more demons ahead begin walking towards him

Y/n: Shit

Looking between a bus stop and a halloween store Y/n turns to the bus stop hiding behind the ad board as he peeks to see the demons looking uninterested in the halloween store walking past several costumed demons with masks before one of them steps on a pressure mat causing one of the animatronic machine to jump at him

Demon: God damnit!

Demon 2: *Pssh, Laughs*

Demon: Shut up man!

As the demons walk closer Y/n then walked around the board similar to Octavia avoiding their sight

Demon 2: You basically shat yourself

Demon: No I didn't man

Y/n was about to continue before-

(!) Y/n chose to hide at a bus stop, you know there are demons there too... right?

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