Chapter 10.2: Mercenaries and their mission

Start from the beginning

The group eventually reaches the temple camping out in thick foliage with a great view of the location. However no students had arrived yet, the temple was a simple circular building made out of storied stone bricks. There were somewhere around 10 pedestals more or less with black and gold chess pieces on each one. The first group of students were a forgettable bunch, except for the large guy with leather brown hair and armour on. He had the demeanour of what the group would call a rich fuck boy who is only here because daddy or mommy has connections.

But to give credit where credit is due they immediately took off for their extract with the chess pieces intended on not staying any longer than they had to. "Ugh anyone else thirsty...?" Texas mentions pulling a aquamari bottle out of his T30 backpack drinking half the contents of the bottle feeling himself becoming energized and hydrated again. The other members took the time to have a snack or drink or both but not all at once with one keeping lookout at the temple. Over the time of this multiple pairs of initiates came and went grabbing a chess piece and walking off with it.

2 more students arrived, a blonde girl with long hair and a girl with cat ears. Jumping down they approached the temple while casually talking grabbing a piece as instructed. The next few events happened in a blur, seemingly from the sky the girl in red fell down back to earth but before she could even make contact with the soil some other guy coming in horizontally smashed right into her sending the 2 individuals into a tree. Another 2 more students arrive, grenade launcher shots similar to big pipe's rotary grenade launcher followed before one of those bear like Grimm appeared from the treeline the students on its back. One ginger haired woman and a man of Asian decent. To be honest the group didn't care about all the mumbling going on only their target, the red girl. Another girl, this time with all red hair ran out of the woods next being chased by a giant Grimm scorpion that had a golden tail but it was a distance away so they weren't even sure if that was gonna make it's way here.

"Should we go get her?" Texas asked the rest of them.

"Yeah probably..." Floridaman throws the wrapper of his snickers bar away and gets up ready to move

Just before they committed to the action their target jumped out of the woods fine enough to do so physically. Seems like their plan had worked and they didn't need to go out after all. However, just as they thought that the scorpion Grimm swiped the red haired girl hard enough to knock her back hard enough flying towards the group. That's when their target decided to play hero, she charged forward at the giant scorpion Grimm which was headed their way using the recoil of her scythe gun thing...? To propel herself forward only for that energy to work against her as one of its massive claws took a swipe at her petite body.

"Shit...she's gonna die..." Texas laments watching her try to shoot the Grimm but her bullets bouncing off its white armour. "Alright I'm making a executive decision to save her right now. Maybe the students can help us kill that thing...start stimming up boys." The mercenaries pull out their injectors cases, each one filled with 9 stim injectors they have specially selected to suit their needs but one of the injectors that were standardised amongst the mercenaries was the SJ6 which helped them with stamina allowing a longer running time

Akula on the other hand had no such thing only taking a whiff of his golden star painkiller rubbing the balm bellow his nose. The mixture of oils, mint, vasline and other herbs sends his mind into a mild headache before stabilising itself.

"Okay...I think I'm need for stims..." Akula mumbles holding his head getting used to the mild headache. The situation with the girl was getting worse, she had tried to run but another large bird like Grimm, the size of a plane, had shot what looked to be feathers at her pinning her in place by her cape. "Moron! RPG heat!!!" He obliges hastily sliding the requested rocket into the launcher cocking the hammer back. He tries to line up the the iron sights together putting his finger on the trigger squeezing it down. The rocket leaves the launcher hitting the giant scorpion right in the middle, the force of the explosion sending it back, pieces of bone armour fly everywhere, the rocket making a large hole in its carapace exposing its black oozing flesh sizzling due to the heat. Little bits of shrapnel embedded within causing even more pain. Little red riding hood thought she was going to die here and then but she looked back up at the beast trying to regain itself.

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