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Maya and Farkle walked in silence until they got out of the mall and onto the street. As soon as they did, Farkle stopped and pulled Maya into an alley off the street.

"Farkle, what are you doing?" Maya asked innocently.

"What was that?" Farkle asked quickly. Maya could hear the panic in his voice. She had to remain calm. She didn't want anyone knowing, and that included Farkle.

"What was what?" Maya asked.

"Don't play games, Maya. Are you really pregnant?" Farkle persisted.

"Oh, the test. Right. Yeah, listen, don't tell anyone. It's...it's my mom's," Maya lied.

"Oh, please," Farkle sighed.

"What's that supposed to mean? My mom's pregnant," Maya restated.

"Maya, I saw you're face when you saw what I was holding. I'm sure you care about your mom very much, but not that much. No way," Farkle told her.

Maya couldn't decide if she wanted to keep up the lie or not. He didn't seem to be buying it, but if she really pushed it she could convince him. Then again, it felt really good for someone else to know. Maybe Farkle was just the person who needed to know.

"Fine, Farkle. Fine. It was my test. Are you happy now?" Maya admitted.

"Is it mine?" Farkle asked.

Maya couldn't help but chuckle.

"Farkle, how would it be yours? The furthest we've ever gone is you kissing my hand," she laughed.

"Right, I guess I just always thought if I ever heard those words come out of your mouth, you'd be talking about my baby," he said with a hint of sadness.

"Well, sorry about that Farkle, but I'm afraid the damage has been done," Maya said. She was surprised by how well she was holding up during this conversation.

"Maya?" Farkle said quietly.

"What?" she replied.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

Maya felt herself losing grip on her calm demeanor. Answer fast, she thought.

"I'm good, Farkle. I'm always good," she said in almost a whisper.

Farkle wrapped his arms around Maya and pulled her in close. Maya was surprised, but this action was enough to break her. She started to cry and Farkle held her closer. They stayed like this for a while until Maya eased Farkle off of her and wiped her eyes.

"Do you actually need to be home at 6? Because we better start walking if you do," she sniffed.

"Yeah, I actually do," he answered.

They started walking again and neither of them said anything for a while.

"So, if I'm not the father, who is? Is it that Josh guy I've heard you talk about?" Farkle asked.

Maya had been hoping he wouldn't ask. She may have told him the truth about the baby, but he definitely couldn't know who the father is.

"I'm not going to tell anyone until I tell him," Maya answered.

"Alright, I get that," he said understandingly. "But, does Riley know?" he asked.

Maya felt a slight twinge of guilt as she realized that Farkle knew something about her that Riley didn't.

"No, I just found out this morning. No one knows except you and if you don't keep it that way I'll hurt you," she said seriously.

"Got it," Farkle said nervously.

They reached Farkle's apartment and Farkle turned to face Maya before walking inside.

"It's gonna be okay, Maya. Call me anytime, alright? I'm serious," Farkle said.

Farkle could see the pain in Maya's eyes. Before Maya could even answer, Farkle took her hand and kissed it gently. Then he turned around and entered his apartment without looking back. Maya walked home alone and tried to remember a time when she'd cried this much before. She couldn't.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed! Leave a comment, I love getting feedback :) Also follow me to keep updated on this story and eventually find out who the father is ;)

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