Chapter 3 scary day's

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⚠️Trigger warning ⚠️


In the middle of the night Jimin woke up feeling the mattress he slept on slightly move...confused how he even got up to this room..

The last thing he knew was passing out downstairs... in front of that creepy room...

Not daring to turn around since he felt Someone's breathing on the back of his neck...and arms around his waist...

Yoongi: "Please don't be scared of me..."

Yoongi: "I noticed you saw what I did....I'm sorry you had to see me like that...I was so focused on my anger I didn't realize how crazy and scary I must've looked to you..."

Jimin: " hurt me too...?"

(Jimin whispered in a shaky voice)

Yoongi: "No of course not. I'd never hurt you...~"

Jimin Just slowly turned around to face yoongi...his eyes wide as he saw that yoongi was still covered in blood...that was now dry...

Yoongi: "Sorry I have all this on me...I was too worried about you when I saw you passed out to remember to change and shower...would you like me to go shower?"

Jimin: "I-I want to go back to Jin and hobi hyung... I-It's scary here..."

Yoongi: "Alright...I'm sorry for scaring you..."

Jimin: "I-Is that guy dead now?..."

Yoongi: "Yes....he deserved it Love....he's the one who burned you and made you hurt so badly...he burned down our home and then tried to recreate you for his own personal gain...I couldn't let that happen."

Jimin nodded just Hugging Yoongi...

Jimin: "The others must be worried... Let's go back..."

Yoongi: "Alright."

Yoongi picked Jimin up and then headed back to Jin and Hobis place

Luckily it was night...but once they went inside the lights turned on Jin and Hoseok standing there shocked...

Jimin: "P-Please don't scream..!"

Hobi: "W-What the hell happened to you?"

Yoongi then just quietly closed the front door setting Jimin down...

Jimin: "H-He killed that Dollmaker..."

Hobi: "You what?!"

Jimin nodded but held onto Yoongi's hand since He seemed a bit angry at Jimin telling them this

Yoongi: "He deserved it! He ruined our home and tried to destroy Jimin! And then when I went to grab him from his shop he was trying to recreate him for his own gain!"

Yoonmin |[The Dollmaker 21+]| TW: Horror Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ