40... Curved moon

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"We know about the lunar eclipse, So don't think Kali's gonna sit around waiting for it to level the playing field. She's coming, and my brother's coming with her." Ethan explained to the Hales whilst they stood in Derek's loft.

Peter nodded "Good enough for me. Derek?"

Derek looked ahead at the wall, not making eye contact with anyone, "You want me to run?" He asked defensively

" No. I want you to stay and get slaughtered by an alpha with a psychotic foot fetish." Peter drawled sarcastically "Of course I want you to run. Sprint, gallop, leap your way the hell out of this town."

Cora nodded "If you want to fight and die for something, that's fine with me, but do it for something meaningful." She told her brother.

"Cora's right Derek." Yelena chimed in with a small voice

Derek continued his defensive attitude "How do you know I'm gonna lose?"

Peter looked over at Lydia "We don't, but I'll bet she has an idea. Don't you, Lydia?" He said cooly as he began to stroll over to her.

Lydia was visibly scared by his approach "I don't know anything."

Peter wasn't deterred by Lydia's exterior "But you feel something, don't you?" He asked far too close into Lydia's personal space.

Yelena stepped in front of her and pushed Peter back, keeping him there by his shoulder, "that's enough." She warned.

Lydia took a deep breath, grateful that the older girl had stepped in.

"What do you feel?" Derek asked softly after seeing her reaction from his uncle

Lydia glanced at Yelena feeling nervous to answer but Yelena gave her a reassuring nod, "I feel like... I'm standing in a graveyard." She admitted.

Within minutes Derek and Cora grabbed their essentials and headed out to the car with Peter and Yelena following behind them.

"Nothing I can say for you to come with us?" Derek asked Yelena as he climbed into the car.

Yelena shook her head, "my dad needs me. Just be safe." She told him.

Derek grabbed her wrist through the car window, "when I get back, there are things we need to talk about."

Yelena nodded with a sigh "I know."

She moved around the car and came to stand next to Peter

"Don't call until you're at least 100 miles away. Go!"

Peter and Yelena watched Derek and Cora drive off in silence until Peter shifted his glance to Yelena.

"I'm surprised you didn't go with them." He commented.

Yelena shrugged at him, "We have a plan, I'm sticking to it."

Peter nodded at her as he kept his hands in his pockets, Yelena began to turn away before stopping and looking at him over her shoulder "Whatever your planning don't do it." She warned him.

Peter turned to face her properly and crossed his arms across his chest, "What makes you think I'm planning anything?" He asked innocently.

Yelena matched his stance as they stared at each other impassively, "Because I know you", Peter scoffed, "and I know whatever your planning is going to be bad for all of us."

"Please." Peter hissed as he went to walk away only for Yelena to Yank him back

"Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me that whatever your doing won't hurt me, or Stiles, or my dad, or Scott, or Derek, or whoever else I care about."

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