29...The final act

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Yelena couldn't hide her anxiety as they pulled up outside the Hale House, her incessant foot tapping becoming irritating to a certain resurrected werewolf, who when he went to point out the annoyance was met with the glow of alpha red eyes by his nephew.

Yelena jumped when her phone started ringing, "it's my dad" she gulped as she answered, "Hello? Oh, thank god." She said with a sigh of relief as her dad said that they had found Stiles

Scott looked at her expectantly as she nodded at him to confirm that Stiles was safe, "did he say what happened?"

Yelena shook her head at him and put the phone down telling her dad she'll be home soon.

Derek turned his attention back to his uncle, "I told you, I looked everywhere."

"You didn't look here," Peter said smugly as he reached down and lifted up one of the floorboards on the stairs and pulled out a large briefcase.

Derek frowned "What is that, a book?"

Peter looked over at his nephew  "No. It's a laptop. What century are you living in?" He quipped sarcastically "A few days after I got out of the coma, I transferred everything that we had. Fortunately, the Argents aren't the only ones that keep records." Peter explained to them as he blew the dust off of the laptop and took it into what was once a lounge.

Yelena looked over to Scott at the sound of his panicked voice as he spoke to his mom on the phone, "what's wrong?" she mouthed to him when she saw the look on his face.

Scott shook his head and hung up, "I don't know, my mom said something is happening to Jackson?"

this caught everyone's attention as they looked over at him.

"what do you mean?" Yelena asked but Scott seemed too freaked out to respond "Okay just go, go and see what's happening. issac go with him."

the two teenagers rushed out of the house as Peter fired up the computer on an old burnt-out table. Derek subtly came over to stand next to Yelena and opened his mouth to say something but he couldn't find any words. He didn't know if they were still in a fight or if this had changed things between them but Yelena didn't even seem to notice that he'd moved towards her as she walked over to Peter to see what was going on. truthfully all she could think about was Stiles but she knew he'd want her to help the others first.

"well this is awkward" Peter murmured prompting Yelena to slap him on the back of his head to which he let out a yelp as she leaned over his shoulder to read the information.

Derek rolled his eyes at them as his phone started ringing, "it's Scott." he told them as he picked up his phone with a frown at what Scott was saying.

"what is it?" Yelena asked

"They say he's in some kind of transparent casing made from the venom coming out of his claws," he told them as Peter scrolled through his computer for information with Yelena leaning against his chair

"That sounds sufficiently terrifying," Peter commented unhelpfully

"They also say he's starting to move," Derek informed them

"Wait stop, look there, click that one," Yelena told him tapping the screen

"looks like what we've seen from Jackson is just the Kanima's beta shape," Peter said swatting Yelena's hand away.

Derek frowned lowering his phone so that he could see what they were looking at "Well, meaning what? It can turn into something bigger?"

Peter's eyes widened as he straightened up in his chair "Bigger and worse."

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