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             "Nice to meet you again dear brother Victor, To be honest I would have killed you in this decades *haha*
But... I was waiting for your so called saviour . *Chuckle* Well Well if you don't create much mess for me I will make sure to give you a peaceful death..."

             "Are you out of your mind Jonas?" Brust Mr. Galileo in anger.
There was an immediate change in his facial expression . In no time it went from playful to dead serious his eyes were half leaded open.

"My father, 'NASMITH  OFKER JASTORN' __--NAS . O. J -, yes! The man who was caged in that terrible prison for years, one who called Khora, My father. After his death the one and only blood of his J- O- NAS..  'JONAS' will be fulfilling his last wish."

                       "Khora, end it!" He commanded. With his attack the fight started all over again. As planned Victor signalled Alice to handle Jonas while he would deal with Khora.

            It was a big mess to handle, they never thought Jonas will this badly stab them from back. It was too much to understand. Still Victor fought for his family, for his own people, for his own village and for his
' Self questions'.
There were so many things this world's people were unknown of. Their history, it was the most mysterious part of life for them. Therefore, for the solution ,father of Jonas Who was also the uncle of Victor, decided to enter the gates of heaven which meant 'The key for all of their questions '

            Unfortunately,the path he choose was very wrong.

Back to battleground --

Victor gained his success, making  Khora  unconscious by injuring the most delicate part of his body.
Huffing and muffing both Victor and Alice stood infront of him injured badly on the verge of death but still too stubborn to give up. They needed time , time to heal. As per their planning before, they started to push Jonas in the cage of vow, which was not easy to break.

                Without letting Jonas knew what was happening they caged him.
When Jonas spoke back to Alice which straight went to back of her head . Ringing each and every word he spoke ," Why do even need to help them? Have you ever thought of that? You can just return back ? What's the reason? What the hell are you doing ? Why are you even here? Think of that little rat .... Think..." he pressured her to rethink her existence.

               Soon she felt on her knees, too weak too even stand . Victor already started to breathe heavily knowing his end is near. At this movement Mr. Galileo need to find the flower of 'Ren' which means reincarnation. They needed to feed this flower to both of them before they die .

            Victor and Alice slowly started to close their barely opened eyes. He put one of his hand on hers to assure her ,'he is still with her'  a red ribbon became visible attaching their pinky fingers with each other. The thread of fate they called.

 The thread of fate they called

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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