Chp-7 Secrets...

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Read it with more emotions to understand and if ain't understanding a part of this chapter then feel free to ask me on my insta account mentioned at the end. Read the previous chapters to know what's happening and where we left. _______________________________________________________***________________

      Turning towards the voice she was astonished by the person standing infront of her. "You..?" She asked with uneven breathes. "What are doing in my room?" Victor asked coldly.

      Alice still astonished replied him,"I'm sorry I was finding someone I-I mistakenly entered here." Victor closed his eyes leaving a sign he started aggressively," So, what have you thought? How many more days will you take to end this all??" Alice knowing nothing asked innocently,"what do you mean end all this?"

       Victor started getting more and more annoyed," Don't try to act innocent; since you came here this all started I thought all that things- that stories where just rumours and nonsense. But you proved the things." Now Alice was getting confused and frustrated to," I really don't know what are you taking about!  Why you blaming me?!." Victor got confused with her statement and the emotions in her eyes, he can somehow understand it," You really don't know?" He asked. " Yes, I truly don't know," said Alice.

                 Victor remained silent, slowly quietly he opened a drawer of top most shelf . He pulled out some type of box like thing which was designed with such a perfection that modern machines were also failed infront of it. He opened the box which was covered in a red cloth. There was a book which looked thousands of years old. Taking slow steps towards his bed he signaled Alice to come over. He handed the book to her.

                    Breaking the awkward silence Victor said," You must read it.. it is preserved from thousands of years for someone like you."

     Taking that book from him Alice started reading it as per all the secrets were getting unlocked for her. Confusion took over her it was some type of fiction for her. But the truth,  it was the story of that village. The village was unknown for her as well as the island. Alice attacked victor with so many questions ,who was silent all that time, " I never heard about this island even.. I- I know...... I have never seen this island on the world map how is it even possible?? "

      " That's the reason why you are here, we have been waiting for you since so long! The description of goddess Audelia  is just you like it's exactly you!" said victor.  "Me?!" Alice being flabbergasted . The dark shiny orbs which were held in deep attractive eyes. Smooth flawless skin, long thick lashes and soft - Shinny black- brown hairs which touched her almost waist length. Natural pink lips.   Each and every description of goddess Audelia was matching Alice features.

       "Ok tell me,  What does this line means?," All trapped in a book like cage,will be gone heavenly when once it will find it's key for bars to break  ."

           Victor continued," As per our knowledge we discovered that all which is happening right now for example we talking her, getting attacked by a tiger, this flood- one friend will be lost.. all this is written already written . I know it seems like a story to you, just a joke  but we are actually trapped in a book written by someone.. Don't you think we look like some virtual characters look at you and l- look at me we are not same. "I do realised," said Alice quietly.

        Victor started taking a long breathe," I know it's impossible to read this epic only in few minutes. Long story short..... Back ago this world started to work. Our ancestors used to play certain rituals. The temple on the top of the hill, it is our God who protect us. We use pray to the lord on same day- same month- same date -ever year. Once when  I was a kid. My dad's closest friend ; he broke a rule of trying to enter  the gate of god's. It's the same  gate from where you and your friends came here...  Luckily uncle was failed.
                         All the elders of Village decided to punish him. They locked him in the prison under the temple as mentioned punishment in epic. But he was still stuck to his bad intension. He started to pray to lord selasés . A devil in the form of snake . Our epic says he is the one who will destroy this time line and will break the bearer infront of the gate of gods and will enter it which is against our rule. He is the largest snake alive. But our protector sued him away after a long fight of 31 days. It is said that who ever will remember him and will call for him. The devil will again start his bad actions and plans. It was told one day will come when someone will call for him and it was none other than that uncle of mine who was locked in prison Mr. Hermes to call him.

             " The distruction has started with this flood. Slowly, gradually everyone will die; that devil will get a chance for his final attempt." Mentioned victor.

        Alice asked," Then what's the solution?"    " There is only one solution you and me. We both have to kill this creature and keep the stone again on its place to get everything together!" Victor replied.

      "Wait-Wait-Wait... I am not a super natural human who could kill a creature who is 100000X more powerful than me. What do think of me huh? And let me clear I don't know how I came here from that gate of gods.... Alright? I will just find my friend and exit from here Ok! I am not that brave and responsible as much you think." Alice said in one go.

        "So you think begin selfish and let all this people die is fine?! Victor shouted his lungs out on her.
"I told you it's just a mistake!!" Alice replied frustrated.

           "You think it's just a mistake, it's not a mistake. God knows why I have such a arrogant and selfish mate. I don't care! I will just fight alone; Seems like I wasted by time persuading you." Said Victor aggressively.

     " I trained myself very hard since childhood so that someone can come and my half will be converted. I had work so hard to fight against that devil and now I can't let go my hardwork in vain. Just find your friend and get lost from here. I will go to that cave alone by myself, cause I'm the protector of this village. God Colen ( mentioned in epic who is indirectly in the form of Victor) is enough no matter if Goddess Audelia ( goddess mentioned in the form of Alice) is with him or not." Victor said with a high pitch voice.

           Alice who could see his eyes becoming darker and a hint of blue flame around him getting more scared. Feeling selfish and useless at that time Alice had no option rather then  running out of fear from there while sobbing. No wonder Victor's each and every word stab Alice like a sharp knife. She somehow started believing what's happening around her.

To be continued..
I know it's been so long since I last updated. I had some important work to do and I am so sorry about that but thank you to read till here...
And follow minwr.ites on Instagram for daily updates.. (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)


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