Chp-4 The Journey starts

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              The next day started. A sneezing sound echoed in the whole room. Kaylie," Anna are you Ok?" Anna replied in very week  voice,"No i think I caught a cold." " Then you aren't coming with us to explore." Alice said. So, it was clear that Anna was not going to explore with the class.
         Alice and Kaylie keeping there sadness behind decided to enjoy few mins...
As per the plan Jonas was going to lead them alone as victor was hurt. They plan to explore the middle part of hill. As the students were not prepared to climb till the tip of hill. They saw some various types of birds,animals,plants,insects,bugs, and many more. While walking down the hill they visited a religious place it was a small temple called maelein niya moh! When one of the students asked about the black cave beside.
             The monk of the temple screamed," Kid...... Come back if he got angry the world would get destroyed..
Jonas can't you handle a single child properly." Jonas," Greatest apologise monk han . Everybody listen it is forbidden to go there make sure no one can go in the cave; keep an eye on your friends."

                  All decided to go back again.When one of the student aske his friends," hey can you hear a hiss? Like a snakes hiss" other replied," what nonsense are you talking about? Just come don't stand there like a statue." After saying this he left without noticing the innocent boy still standing there listing to snakes hiss who were summoning him.
             In a blink of an eye his eyes turned red and he was only able to say one sentence which was end of his life......

    "Seleès  masié , Sakeè yah masié."
The boy headed again to the voice..

       On the other hand people in the village started to notice a change in sky it was turning purple and blue ; like some kind of poison. The weather started getting bad again. Uncontrollable wind some sort of disgusting smell mixed up in the air.
The monk came out of the temple saying," it's time to go underground. May we get our answer soon ; we are waiting for you and your miracle."

          Jonas taking care of the student understood the mater he asked if all were together when they found one of them was missing. Jonas took a long breath and called someone using his mobile phone. After declining the call he slowly look at the two smiling faces who  were getting worried time by time.

          Deciding something he took all the students on a different path were the life of Alice was going to change.

       It was a mountain type road all were curious but Jonas made them feel safe with his sweet words . No doubt he was excellent in making people believe him. Suddenly situation started getting more worse and worse. It started raining...  They were standing infront of an old bridge now; But they have no choice left rather than following Jonas.

            He started sending students one by one and on the other there was a man standing to help him. He was the who Jonas contacted to. Soon all of them reached at the other end safely.
It was now time for Alice Stanza and jonas to cross the bridge but unfortunately there luck was not with them. While walking due to heavy rainfall and breezes the bridge started to break.

         Stanza shouted," Alice jump come on you are so close. Just do it....."
As per Alice was going to keep her foot on the ground suddenly the bridge broke . Alice was quick to hold Stanza . While Jonas was keeping himself safe with the rope of the bridge.
Jonas ," Alice push yourself and Stanza up..... " But suddenly Stanza loses her grip over Alice's hand... She tried her best. Understanding the situation Jonas tried to help.

         Suddenly the soil of the edge started getting soft it was unable to climb up. The man on the other hand was trying to pull Alice up when suddenly......


To be continued ✨
Staye tuned I hope you read further.... And are enjoying if please vote to every part so i can see the improvement......

Love u chicks (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

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