Chp -2 We planned a trip??

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       As per this word left her  mouth a bright light came from nowhere and the girls vanished..
The book was left there on the group with black smoke around it.... It soon was under of an shadow of a person.

     Alice and her friends were sitting on some bus seats . Alice was there whole blank she can't process the things around her when Kaylie shook her." Hey! On the earth are you Ok??"
Alice replied "Ye-Yes I am Ok!".
"Aren't you excited for our forest trip?" Said Anna "It's not like that umm I'm waiting for when we will reach." Answered Alice with a sweet smile.while she was thinking something else in her mind ( when did our class planned a trip? Why can't I remember anything?)

Anna" hey can u pass me the game?"
As Alice handed the game to Anna the bus suddenly stopped. The man sitting on the driver's seat spoke while yawning ," Jonas come and drive now I'm really so sleepy."

           While Alice was busy drooling over him like a fangirl. And  Eva her one of the classmate thought to tease her after observing this action of Alice." Hm gh... Isn't his voice so deep?? O mah god did you see his veny hands looks so amazing right Alice!"
"Aish why you asking me though?" Said annoyed Alice.
" C'mon you know the reason, don't you?" Said other classmates. It was sure Alice turned into a whole damn red tomato and the driver who act like he slept was hearing everything...

        Anna was looking out of window when she saw the sudden change in wheather the clouds turned grey and the atmosphere became windy.
" Mr.driver how much time more? The wheather doesn't seem well."
Said Anna worriedly.
The driver replied," we will reach soon but i think it is necessary to stop for a while in a safe place."

The driver called his partner victor for help as they were doing some management to keep the bus stable.
While Anna and Alice exchanged there seats. As victor was engaged in his own work. Alice was busy admiring him his hazel blue eyes, veny hand, dark brown hair with his bun hair falling on his forehead and to mention his milk glass skin. He was such a handsome who looked like fallen from heaven even in this stromy weather.

             Few minutes pass the weather was becoming  worse and worse. Bus rooftop  slightly  broke from above. They tried to hold it back but failed ; it flew away with wind. Suddenly the edges of bus also started to break  few hours passed the sunlight was falling on the ground. Sun was visible,the dark grey cloud turned to white again. All were shocked by this sudden change .

        They have no other option than just to walk till there camp site . Alice," Don't you guys think this is so risky... I want to go to home."We too but we can't do anything." Replied Kaylie.
         They were walking quietly when they heard a tigers growl. All got scared and the two drivers who were also leading them suggested to hide behind bushes and trees. But our clumsy Alice tripped down a rock and fall down making a loud sound. The tigers full focus was on her she was the pray he was finding. Shivers ran through her body.

               It was enough! with a blink of an eye  the tiger jumped on her...


To be continued ✨

I know it maybe little confusing but I hope you still like it.(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

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