Chp-9 Bondings

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Wipping off her eyes she went towards Victor "Let's go," she spoke in straight voice . She continued,"It is enough now! Never know how many innocent lives this disaster has took and will take. I am in with you ; let's finish it off.

The old monk came with a sword which shone as if a red giant . He handed sword to Alice but before taking it she glanced at Victor . He gave a sign of assurance. She took over the sword; A groan left her mouth which hold pain. As so many red threads came out from the end of the sword merging with her hand . Soon it ended and after having few words with the monk they returned to their house.

Few hours passed Alice, Anna and Victor again gathered in the practice room. It was Day 2 , Victor handed the girls their swords and started teaching them the basic moves.

5 days passed they had their training in a row without missing a single day. Till that time Kaylie recovered and stayed with them . She too insisted to help but Alice and Anna begin her protective sisters they didn't allow and told her to take rest.

Day 8th was a little different Alice became more stronger and can properly handle the sword. She felt it more easy to handle the sword. Victor did realise it; Picking up his own sword he challenged Alice. She was sure of giving a tough match to him. But to her surprise, Only two moves and Alice along with her sword was lying down on the floor.

"Looks like someone became overconfident... " Victor taunted her. The smirk on his face was making Alice blood boil, the thaught of training and her struggle for so many days went all in vain. Tringgggggg! The bell rang indicating training hours were over . As per the routine all were supposed to go to bed after dinner. While others were sleeping Alice tip-toed went to the training room . Remembering his words and the disapiontment she had...

Next morning..

Victor went straight towards the training room making sure it was ready for today. As he entered,he was so stunned to speak when he saw Alice covered with her own blood, her sword in her hand having red flames passing around her. She looked very horrible that, even Victor didn't dared to speak a word.

She trembled as she was so tired and weak to balance herself. Victor went easy when he held her so tight," Did you? You really used the Mortal training?does it look like a joke to you? " Victor scolded begin concern about her. He made her sit and switch off the machine. Heading towards her he spoke, " Alice, you don't have to go this rough with yourself. I warned you not use this until right time ."
"I - I .. tried it cause am still not that capable, I know my training is like a small tree against yours. I don't want that your training of ages to go in vain because of me." Saying that she fainted in his arms.

Victor quickly treated her wounds and took her in house to take some rest. He sat beside her the whole day to look after her. Suddenly Woke up begin starleted. Victor made her sit on bed properly, Before she can speak anything. Victor said, "Don't! Don't move I will bring something to eat." He came back with a bowl of soup for her. Keeping it in front for her he insisted to drink it; But due to weakness and alot of injuries on her hand didn't allow to hold the spoon. Victor hesitatingly hold the spoon and made her drink it. There was an awakeward silence between them.

He noticed a lonely tear escaping her eye as she looked down to hide it," Alice, you Ok?" Victor asked her softly. She nodded her head in yes while victor can hear her soft sobbs ," I am sorry

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