Aleks and Hope looked at them in amazement.

Are you ready to meet our God? they asked them.

"Yes," Aleks replied, grabbing Hope's hand.

All right, then come in.

The fish and eel began to swim in a larger circle and a whirlpool began to form in their center.

"Aleks, do we have to go into this vortex?" Hope asked uncertainly. Please, no. Not water again. It was bad enough that he had to go through this again on the way back.

"Hope, I'm afraid there's no way around it," Aleks said, putting his hand on his stomach. "We can do it."

Hope made a derogatory sound. Of course. Come on, let's jump into a vortex that will pull us to the bottom to meet a god. Or maybe we'll drown miserably, who knows.

But before Hope could protest, Aleks dragged him along. They stepped into the pond and their feet were immediately engulfed by the water and the whirlpool sucked them down. Hope screamed in panic, clawing at Aleks' arm, the only constant he had left. Gradually, the two ran out of air.

Breath, a deep male voice sounded.

Aleks was the first to dare. He sucked in deeply and began to breathe. He didn't know how, but he just could. Hope, on the other hand, fought back and Aleks saw him getting red.

"Hope, breathe normally."

His cousin's voice reached Hope's ears in a somewhat distorted way. I have no choice. He took a breath and his burning lungs got what they desperately needed. I can breathe? Underwater?

Not only that. He heard Aleks, felt him. Everything, just muffled. After a while, solid ground hit their feet when they reached the bottom. Aleks looked around, everything was dark and unclear. Then the surroundings began to brighten. Two glowing silver eyes lit up the surroundings. As it got brighter, Aleks realized who they belonged to. It was a huge white snake with a diamond pattern on its head. Hell.

Hope's click sonar took a little longer, but slowly the image came together in his head. Shit. Aleks' grip on his hand became even firmer.

"Are you the god Degei?" Aleks asked in a trembling voice. The snake crawled closer and looked at them.

Yes, my son. Finally you have arrived at my place.

That didn't reassure them one bit, but they had a mission, they couldn't forget that.

"Dear God, we are here because we are searching for the third key. Can you help us?" Aleks asked.

The third key. I can actually help you, but first you need to understand where you come from.

"Are we your creation? The god Tori said we were the people of the supreme god," Hope began.

The snake made a sound that sounded like laughter. You were fooled. I think it's time for you to learn the truth.

With these words, the god began to tell his tale. Aleks and Hope sat down on the floor and listened to the story.

An eternity ago, when the three spheres were created, many gods created their own race. Humans, demons, angels, animals and plants. Everything was created and the spheres were filled with it. Everyone was proud of their creation, praising them among the others.

I myself have also created a race, the Deva. I didn't want anyone to brag to, I wanted companions. So I created them like humans, only with a sharp mind and a need for peace and empathy. They lived in peace with humans, but soon stood out from them by their abilities.

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final bookWhere stories live. Discover now