Chapter 40

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They immediately realized that it wasn't Zack. But who had taken possession of his body?

A soft laugh rang out. "Do you know why you couldn't open the carriers? Quite simply, only one of the blood of the Deva or the peoples we love can do this," Niyati said.

The commanders were about to attack when a powerful voice rang out. "Stop. He is here to support my divine plan."

Immediately, everyone stopped and bowed deeply.

That's the Lord, Belial thought.

A figure in a golden robe stepped in front of them in the middle. He pushed the hood aside and a young man with white hair revealed himself. Golden chains with numerous precious stones hung in his long hair.

Niyati was speechless because he recognized him. Unbelievable, this little fucker. That sneaky shitface that betrayed us. In front of him stood the fallen god Reshef. He had betrayed Metis, Tori and him at the time and had been cast out after inducing them to commit their offense. In the process, he had lost all his divinity. No one had known what had become of him.

Reshef was a sneaky carrion who had manipulated others and harnessed them for his own purposes. Directing others, such as puppets, had always been his specialty. Niyati wasn't surprised that he had built up this power structure. But he didn't seem to recognize Niyati, which made him smile. Time for my revenge.

"Indeed, but I want a reward for that," Niyati said.

Reshef made a graceful movement. "Of course, my son, you will rule over the new world by my side."

Now Niyati also knew why he hadn't seen Telos' actions. He couldn't influence the fate of something divine, even if he had fallen. He just nodded, which made Reshef happy.

"Then begin, my son, and open the carriers."

Shut up. He didn't like the fact that it looked like he was dancing to that shitter's tune, but he swallowed it for now.

"Please don't," Aleks pleaded. He didn't know what Niyati was up to. He stared at Belial. Bel.

Aleks, who is in Zack's body? How are Sai and Hope? Belial asked. Relieved that their communication was working, he told his mate as quickly as he could what had happened so far.

So this is the God Niyati in Zack's body?

"Let the show begin," Niyati's voice rang out, and Aleks knew their time was up. Bel, I love you.

Niyati lit up his hand, then began to mumble another incantation. The first thing he pointed to was Hope. "Knowledge, time to wake up. খোলো."

Kholo. This word resonated in Aleks. He looked horrified at Hope, who opened his eyes. His amulet began to glow, then white lines ran across his body. His hair turned white-blonde and a gray fire spread over his skin. A magical blast wave exploded and hurled everyone but their three demons, the two carriers and Niyati, against the wall.

Hope started screaming and scratching his cheeks with his hands. An infinite amount of information rushed at him, he couldn't channel it. Sereph screamed, wanting to get to him. Then Niyati pointed his hand at Sai.

No, please don't. Tears ran down Aleks' cheeks and despair ate him.

"And number two. Empathy, time to wake up. খোলো."

Sai began to scream and cry loudly. His skin also began to glow and his hair turned white-blonde. Black fire flared up on his skin, and the amulet shone brightly. A second blast wave swept through the room as Sai was opened. All memories, feelings and thoughts rushed at the small mind. It was inhumane.

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum