Something strange

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Howling waves and thunder can be heard as sailorman Johnson is among the sea caught in the storm and trying to head back to the docks. "Mayday Mayday I'm stuck in the sea sending you my coordinates 44 degrees north, 48 degrees-" he was gonna say but then saw something bright almost like a comet or asteroid crashing into the ocean, and because of the impact the waves got huge he didn't see until his boat crashed into something.

The impact then caused him to go through the window of his boat and be on the main deck. As he looked up he saw a big and tall creature with bright light eyes but just before he could get a good look the waves crashed on him and his boat as he was now in the ocean just then the waves pushed him into the lighthouse that was nearby.

The sound of the bell ringing signaled the end of a long school day at Canterlot High. Rainbow Dash, a vibrant and energetic girl with magenta eyes and light blue skin, burst out of her math class and made her way down the bustling hallway. Her multicolored hair trailed behind her like a vibrant comet as she hurried towards her locker.

As she reached her locker, she found her friends Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie waiting for her. They were all standing there, chatting and laughing. Rainbow Dash approached them, grinning. "Hey, guys, what's up?" she said, joining in on their conversation. "Not much, Dash. You bolted out of math class like a lightning bolt again!" Sunset said teasingly, as Rainbow started getting books from her locker.

"Ugh, can you blame me? I can't stand math. It's so boring!" Dash complained before Twilight spoke up. "But it's important, Rainbow. You can't just ignore it," Twilight reminded her, always the responsible one of the group. As they chatted, Rainbow noticed that one of her friends was missing, the one who had captured her heart. "Where's Applejack?" Dash asked, looking around for her crush.

"Oh, she stayed behind to talk to the science teacher about something. She said she'll catch up with us later," Pinkie Pie said, noticing Rainbow's concern. Dash frowned, missing her friend's presence. "I hope she's okay," Rainbow said, grabbing her board from her locker. "I'm sure she is, darling. Now, what do we plan to do after school?" Rarity said, trying to change the subject.

Just as they were discussing their plans, AppleJack appeared, joining the group with a friendly smile. "Hey, y'all! Sorry, I'm late," Applejack said, greeting her friends. Rainbow Dash's heart skipped a beat as she saw her crush, and she couldn't help but blush. Just then, her phone buzzed, and she pulled it out to check the notification. It was a text from her mom.

"Aw, man. My mom's staying late at work again. I guess I won't be able to hang out today, guys," Rainbow said, smiling sadly. Her friends could see the disappointment in her eyes. "That's a bummer, Rainbow. We'll catch you another time," Sunset said, trying to comfort her.
Dash nodded as she closed her locker and swung her backpack over her shoulder. "I'll see you guys around," Rainbow said, waving goodbye.

With that, she placed down her skateboard and started skateboarding through the school's empty halls. As she sped down the corridors, her friends watched her go. "I hope she's okay. She seemed down," Fluttershy said, concerned. Applejack nodded in agreement, "Don't worry, darling. She'll bounce back. Let's make sure to plan something fun for her next time," Rarity suggested.

Meanwhile, as Rainbow Dash passed by her town square on her skateboard, she noticed a crowd of people gathered around sailor man Johnson, who was animatedly sharing a story. He described a massive, tall creature with bright eyes standing in the ocean, almost resembling a giant robot, before the waves consumed him as he didn't see it. "I swear, folks, it was real! A colossal being right there in the ocean!" Johnson said, but the crowd chuckled, thinking it was just a tall tale.

Rainbow Dash slowed down for a moment, her curiosity piqued. She thought about what the fisherman had said and couldn't help but wonder if there was some truth to his story. As she continued on her way, she couldn't shake the feeling that there might be more to this than meets the eye.

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