"All done," Angeline checks her watch. it is two minutes past eleven.

"Im going to hop in the shower quickly and then I'll be back to make you a snack," she kisses her cheek and walks out.


Angeline and Mary sits on the couch patiently waiting. Dario was texting  Angeline earlier, reminding her to keep him updated on how it goes. She fidgets with her ring,"Everything is going to be fine, just be honest and be yourself," she tells Mary. In reality, she's mostly reassuring herself. There was absolutely no reason why she should be nervous, but she is.

She receives a notification that the guest is just outside the gates and she let them in. Not long, the camera detector motions that someone was in the driveway. The the door bell rings. Angeline hops up to answer the door taking Mary by the hand. At the big double doors awaits a beautiful dark skinned woman with locked hair and well dressed from head to toe. She smiles kindly at Mary then Angeline.

"Hello I'm Jodie Chance, we spoke over the phone," she shakes Angeline's hand.

"Yes! It's a pleasure. I'm Angeline-of course you know that already," she releases a nervous laugh. "Can I just say, you are very beautiful".

"Thank you. Likewise. And you must be Maryanne," she leans down to get a better look at Mary."You are gorgeous and I love your socks," Mary face heats up at her comment.

"She's a little shy," Angeline says rubbing marys face with the back of her hand. "Please come in," she steps back allowing Jodie to enter. Her heels click against the tile floor. Mary watches the woman confidently walk in the room—amazed to see another woman as classy as Angeline herself. Jodie has a pleasing expression when she looks around the house. As they enter the living area, Angeline offers her to take a seat on the brown leather.

"You have a beautiful home. It's like it came straight out of a magazine," she compliment.

"Thank you so much. When my husband and I bought this house we had it renovated to look similar to the houses from my hometown in Italy, but modern. I hired special builders and interior designers to bring our vision to life," Angeline goes on.

"That is lovely. Are you both from Italy?" she crosses one leg over the other.

"I was born there, he was born here in the states. He's a third generation Italian American".

"Interesting. Where is your husband? I'd like to meet him," Jodie turns her head, searching for his presence.

"Unfortunately, he had an emergency at work. He sends his apologies. I hope it's not a problem," Angeline says.

"Not at all. I bet he is a very busy man. He's the managing partner of Morello & Protection Group law firm. Here in California. And you are employed there too... as a family lawyer, if I'm not mistaken".

"Was. I retired three years ago. I do help out on occasion, but nothing that involves me taking legal action". Legally it was not her place take on a Mary and her father's case. In her defense, it wasn't an official case. She was there to simply judge the situation and help out at the very best of her abilities.

"Oh. May I ask why?" the other woman says.

"My mental health. My family faced a tragedy that nearly broke me. I tried distracting myself with work, but it only made it worse. My husband convinced me to hang it all up and it's been one of the best decisions I ever made. You are probably wondering if it has affected our income... and I'm confident to say no it hasn't, fortunately". Not too many people know that they are also investors.

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