"I got called in at six a.m. this morning." Deuce lays his head against the table.

"I gotta go back to help out at the Mostro Lounge after this." Ace complains.

"Housewarden Rosehearts was all like, You made a contract with Azul? Off with your head!" Deuce sighs. "He made me write lines as punishment..."

"This sea anemone on my head just won't come off, either." Grim glowers. "I look like a total goofball."

You couldn't help but laugh. Grim did look a little silly. Jack smirks at the miserable boys. "You reap what you sow."

"I really hope you learn something from this." You say to them.

"Why the long faces, boys?"

You jump and whirl around, seeing the twins right behind you. Floyd laughs, pointing. "Look! It's a sea anemone garden."

Grim jumps into your arms. "Myah! It's the lookalike brothers!"

Jade takes a seat next to you and Floyd stands next to him, towering over you as he stares into your eyes.

"Is it just my imagination, or is someone looking a bit dour today?" Jade smiles at you.

Ace folds his arms and scoffs. "Oh, y'know, we're just coming to terms with being ordered around by a trio of tyrants."

Floyd bursts out laughing, startling you a bit. "Isn't that cute? The sea anemone that breached its contract is talking! You guys know you're in no position to complain. So shut your traps."

Grim cowers in your arms. "Not the squeeze!"

"Allow me to clarify." Jade puts a hand to his chest, still smiling at you. "I wasn't talking to the sea anemones. I was specifically addressing you, Y/N, prefect of Ramshackle Dorm."

You back into Jack. He holds onto your shoulders protectively. Jack flattens his ears and glares at the twins.

"Uhm, yes?" You say in a small voice.

Floyd grins, showing his shark-like teeth. "Awww, look at you, scurrying backwards like a shrimp afraid of being someone's lunch! And on that note."

Floyd leans towards you. "You're so teeny and cute! I'ma call you Little Shrimpy from now on!"

"I think most students on campus would be small compared to you two." Says Deuce.

"Yeah," Ace agrees. "and having two guys this big standing together is a special kind of imposing."

The twins ignore the two and only focus their attention on you.

"I recall that you were playing little spy games with Riddle and others just recently, Y/N." Jade says to you. "You may know who we are already, but I've always been a stickler for formal introductions."

Jade bows his head. "I am Jade Leech, and this is my twin brother Floyd."

Floyd smiles and waves to you. "Heya. I'm Floyd. Nice to meetcha, Little Shrimpy."

"Now, where was I? Ah, yes." Jade takes both of your hands in his, holding them tightly. "Allow me to infer what troubles you, Y/N. Could your anxiety perhaps stem from these three anemone stooges?"

Jack scoffs. "Perhaps? Listen to you, acting all coy."

Floyd glowers at Jack. "What's your problem? You're as prickly as a sea urchin."

Jack was taken aback. "Wh-I'm a WOLF, not a sea urchin!"

"If the source of your troubles does in fact lie with these sea anemones..." Jade continues. "I believe you would be well-served discussing the matter with Azul in person, Y/N."

"Wait, what?" Jack narrows his eyes.

"You will find Azul to be as benevolent as the Sea Witch, one of the Great Seven." Jade leans closer to you. "I have no doubt he would treat your misgivings with all due gravity."

Ace and Deuce perk up and Grim looks up from hiding in your lap. "Really?"

Jade nods. "Absolutely. Just remember, you can't get something for nothing."

Jack rolls his eyes, pulling you closer to him. "So that's your angle. You wanna rope Y/N into one of his contracts."

Jade's eyes widen in mock offense, putting a hand to his chest. "Please, there's no need to bare your fangs at me. Goodness, you land mammals are so belligerent."

"We're just passin' on a hot tip outta the goodness of our hearts." Floyd nudges his brother. "Ain't that right, Jade?"

"Exactly, Floyd. We wouldn't dream of leaving a poor, unfortunate soul by the wayside."

The twins chuckle mischievously, starring at you the whole time. You cringe back, feeling uneasy. Jack growls at the twins and holds you tightly.

Jade stands from the table, giving you a little bow. "If your interest is piqued, feel free to visit the Mostro Lounge sometime after nine tonight." Jade takes one of your hands and raises it to his lips. "We'll have some piquant tea ready for you upon your arrival."

Jade kisses your hand, giving you one last smile before walking away. Floyd waves and smiles broadly at you.

"We'll be waiting, Little Shrimpy!"

You watch as they walk away, sighing with relief as they disappear. Deuce clears his throat.

"Wait, so, uh..."

Grim hops back into the table. "If Y/N makes a contract with Azul and meets his conditions, whatever they are..."

"...we could be freed from this?" Ace finishes their thought.

The three turn to you, a pleading look in their eyes. "Please, Prefect! You gotta beat him for us!"

Jack rolls his eyes. "You guys are shameless, you know that? Do any of you actually care about Y/N?"

Grim glowers at the wolf. "You don't have an anemone on your head! You've got no idea how miserable this is!"

Jack folds his arms. "Maybe you shoulda thought of that before trying to coast through a test."

"Look, I've already learned my lesson, okay?" Ace jumps in.

Deuce nods. "Yeah, I'll never do this again for sure. I'll take my results like a man, even if that means failing."

"You're supposed to say you'll work hard to ensure you stop failin' altogether." Jack looks to you. "Well? What's your call, Y/N? You gonna take them up on their invitation?"

You bring a hand to your chin in thought. "It could be our only chance to see what Azul wants. I'd say it's worth a shot."

Grim smiles up at you. "Y'know, for the first time, I think I'm ready to recognize you as our prefect!"

Jack couldn't believe it. Why should you take the fall for these idiots who got themselves in this mess in the first place.

Jack sighs. "Fine. I'm goin' with you, though. You seem like you'd get yourself into trouble otherwise."

Ace smirks. "Dang, Jack! You're a big softie!"

Jack stammers. "D-don't get me wrong, okay? I just don't like Azul's scheming. I can't stand the thought of losin' to guys who profited off of someone else's hard work."

The anemones on the boys heads start tugging at them. Deuce sighs and stands up. "So much for chatting. My sea anemone's tugging at me again!"

"Ow, ow, ow!" Ace complains. "C'mon, at least let me have my lunch break in peace!"

Grim looks to you as they walk away. "I'm countin' on you, Prefect!"

"WOE IS ANEMONEEEEE!" They all cry out.

"Yeesh." Jack says as they depart. "Hopeless, the whole lot of 'em. Anyway, I guess we're goin' to the Mostro Lounge tonight."

"Thank you for helping me with this, Jack." You wrap the wolf in a tight hug. "I don't think I could've done this in my own."

Jack returns your hug, already getting used to your random hug attacks. "Don't mention it."

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