"You are a mean mean human being." He says while fixing his stance. 

"Oh please I've heard worse. You expect me to cry and apologize with that weak insult? I think you need some lessons, but not from me I got a busy schedule." I say as we walk to class.

----------------------------------------End of school day-----------------------------------------------

Jax and I decided to skip the last period. We are currently sitting in the parking lot by my 2022 Ferrari SF90 Stradale smoking a joint. "You wanna go get some food after this?" Jax asks

"Nah I can't. I have to head to  the Jakes after this." I tell him.

"Nova. You shouldn't be training right now, your ribs need to heal not get worse." He tells me with his serious voice. He also used my name so he is serious.

"Jax, I am fine. I am just training not fighting. Plus my ribs feel fine, those old fucks are getting weaker by the day." I assure him half lying to him and myself. 

"Just promise to take it easy today. Okay?" He shouldn't care about me this much, or at all. I am broken and I don't understand why he doesn't allow himself to see that. I nod my head as a way to let him know I will take it easy, then I hop into my car. 

I speed my way through town before parking down the street from the gym. As much as I would like to park outside of the gym there is never usually parking there, and I don't feel like wasting my breathe to tell some person to move there shit if they aren't going the gym. 

As I am walking down the street I feel someones arms snake around my waist causing me to stop in my tracks. "Hey baby girl where are you tryna go?" He says and I want to barf at the smell of his breath.

"You better let go or I will break more then just your dignity." I tell him, already planning on doing more then that.

"Your a funny little slut aren't you?" He says while tightening his hands around my waist. The feeling makes me sick, and if there is anything I hate more then that, it's being called a slut. I grab his arm while turning around causing his arm to twist. In doing so he turns his body in attempt to lessen the pain, which is exactly where I want him. I kick him where it hurts from behind and he lets out a scream while bending over. I still have his arm so I flip him over and push him to the ground. He is now facing me and I get over him punching him repeatedly in the face. I hear Sirens before I hear a voice I am oh so familiar with. A smirk breaks out onto my face before I stand up turning to face the officer.

"Nova I was hoping of having the pleasure of seeing you, but you know the drill." He says while sighing. He requests for a ambulance to be sent to our location before walking towards me. 

"Yes I do know the drill." I say while turning around and putting my hands behind my back.

"We gotta stop meeting like this Nova." Bryan says to me.

"But Bryan if we didn't meet like this then we wouldn't meet at all." I say in a sarcastic voice with a smirk on my face.

"I don't know kid, but it is Officer Davis when we get back to the station."  He says while putting me in the police car. So much for training today.

When we arrive at the station I am stuck into yet another interrogation room and they didn't even do the decency of taking off my hand cuffs. Whatever I guess I will just have to do it myself. Which I do and get them off in under a minute. (Not to brag or anything.) 

Bryan comes in with the  big old brute which I roll my eyes at. He is no fun, at least Bryan somewhat understands me. (Aka I am just delulu) "Nova, I was already planning on seeing you today, but this is not the way I wanted to." Big old brute says to me. What does that even mean, I would never choose to see him willingly.

"Sorry to break it to you, but I would never choose to see you on my own time, you are kind of a mood kill."

"Right.. well Nova, we have some unfortunate news for you. Your parents, Leah, and Greg Hale died this morning in a car accident while you were at school." Wait why did he say unfortunate? Oh great here are the pity looks. 

"Stop looking at me like that. You don't get to give me pity you don't know me." I say with a slight glare towards big old brute.

"Okay.. Well we also ran your DNA through the system in hopes to find any other relatives that might be able to provide a home for you." Bitch he dumber them dumb I don't got no family.

"It turns out..... oh how do I say this." He whispers while running his hand over his face. As if telling me I don't got any family is this complicated. He sighs before speaking up again. "Nova, your name is not Nova Hale. It is in fact Nova Rizzo. You were reported missing 14 years ago and were kidnapped at the age of 2." oh damn how am I supposed to react to this? 

I nod my head slowly "Oh" is all I manage to say. I mean what does he want me to say 'What that makes no sense my parents were the sweetest people ever they have to be my parents.' Cause no way would that be true, so their behavior towards me makes sense I guess. Why would they keep me handcuffed in a interrogation room to tell me news like this? I mean not like I care I ain't even handcuffed, but they don't know that. 

"Right, well we were able to get in contact with your oldest brother and he should be here within 3 hours. I am sorry to have to share this type of information with you." He says in a sad tone but then clears his throat and jumps right into business. "But Nova we need to have a conversation of why you were beating up a man." He says with his seriousness back.

This is the part where I keep my mouth shut and don't say a word.

Word Count: 1832

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