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Killua and Momo were on the villains team, and they were up against Jiro and Kaminari. He leaned against the fake bomb, hands behind his head as he sucked on a lollipop. Killua would always find a way to sneak candy in. Momo glanced sideways at him with a nervous expression. "So...what exactly is your quirk?" Killua shrugged. "Body manipulation." Momo was about to reply but he continued. "I could skate around the other rooms to buy you more time if you need it. You can make stuff right? What if-" Killua started detailing to her an idea for a barrier and some simple traps that didn't require much materials.

Momo nodded. "Right." She said, then started to follow his instructions. Killua could tell that she had something she wanted to say, but didn't. Not my problem. He thought, lowering one of his hands to yank the lollipop off its stick using his teeth. "The round should start soon, I'll get going." He stepped on his skateboard and rolled out of the room, formulating a plan. I could do continuous loops around a singular room, fooling Jiro into thinking that's where the bomb is. No doubt she'd be able to hear his skateboard with her quirk. And if Momo was quiet enough, she wouldn't be found.

"BEGIN!" Allmight announced through the intercoms. Killua put his plan into action. He lazily skated in a set pattern around a specific room, almost like he was patrolling around it. This'll be fun.

The rest of the U.A students and Allmight observed from the monitoring room, watching as Jiro and Kaminari took the bait. "Is he planning on fighting them both by himself?" Ojiro said, a bit skeptical. Honestly, his white haired classmate somewhat made him nervous. There was just something about him that seemed...unsettling. He couldn't quite place it. Ojiro watched as Killua continued to fake patrol, with a nonchalant attitude and his hands in his pockets. "You good Ojiro, Kero?"

Ojiro looked sideways at Asui. "Huh? O-oh, yeah. It's nothing." He decided to keep his thoughts to himself. Soon enough, Jiro started approaching where Killua was fake patrolling. "I wonder what his plan is?" Hagakure asked, watching the match in excitement. Or at least, he thought she was. It was kind of hard for him to tell since she was invisible. Suddenly Killua picked up the speed and skated into the room, snatching the capture tape from Kaminari's hands with ease and glided past.

Everything happened so fast. Within a matter of seconds, both Kaminari and Jiro were on the floor. Gasps and murmurs went around the room. "wait- what happened?" Kirishima said, confused. "I think Kaminari used his quirk but I'm not sure, Kero."

Killua blinked as he stared down at the two bodies on the floor. Kaminari was mumbling words and seemed to be braindead, and Jiro had been fried completely. Well...that didn't go as planned. He'd tried to catch Jiro in his yoyo, but almost immediately Kaminari had tried to electrocute him. In the process he ended up frying Jiro due to the wires of his yoyos being threaded with metal. Oops. He was also standing on the wrong foot, so if he stepped off to pick up their bodies he'd lose his challenge.

Killua was stubborn however, and refused to lose. He lifted the foot that couldn't touch the floor up and bent down with the other one, grabbing Kaminari by the back of his shirt and Jiro by the back of hers. "UH- THE VILLAIN TEAM WINS!" That was anticlimactic. In the end they took themselves out. He grumbled, a bit irritated. He readjusted his feet the right way and started skating towards the exit. Killua decided to give Kaminari a firm neck chop so he stopped moving and squirming and saying gibberish in his ear. He'd do better unconcious anyways.


All of class 1-A save Midoriya and Jiro stood in a line in front of Allmight. Allmight cleared his throat. "well, as expected. The MVP of this exercise is young Killua." Killua blinked. "Eh? Why?" Allmight glanced at him. "Well you took out both of your opponents with ease and successfully fooled the enemy." Killua adjusted the lollipop that was in his mouth. "To be honest, I didn't actually do anything." He admitted. Kirishima glanced at him. "what do you mean by that?" Killua shrugged. "I wrapped Jiro in my yoyo's, but Kaminari's electricity is what took them out." He started lazily messing with one of his yoyos as he spoke. "They're metal and conduct electricity easily so Jiro suffered the full force of his attack and got fried, then kaminari fried his own brain with the attack. So in reality I really didn't do much. Actually, I'm kinda disappointed in the outcome."


An awkward silence filled the room for a few moments as Killua finished his lollipop and reached into his pocket for more but huffed when he realized he was out. "Is this done yet? I ran out of chocolate." He said sassily, giving Allmight a pointed look. "Well this was the last bout of the day, You all may be dismissed." Allmight said, and Killua couldn't help but chuckle to himself at the overwhelmed and confused expression on his face. It was well hidden by his perpetual smile but Killua could tell. "NOW WATCH HOW A PRO EXISTS LIKE HE'S GOT SOMEWHERE TO BE!" Allmight exclaimed, before zooming off.

Killua decided to follow the class back to their room. As he was skating there Mina came up beside him. "Hey, I have a question." Killua glanced sideways at her, he slowed a bit on his skateboard so he could listen to her. "Hm?" Mina gazed at him with a curious stare. "You don't look like you got electrocuted." Killua blinked. "That's a statement, not a question." He replied. Mina let out a short quick sigh. "You know what I mean!" Killua chuckled softly. He did know what she meant, but it was more fun to tease her. "My body is resistant to electricity. I mean it hurt, but that's about it." He explained.

Mina's eyes shined. "That's super cool! Wait does that mean you're resistant to my acid too? Killua tilted his head in thought. I'm actually not sure. That would be interesting to test out however. "Not sure, wouldn't mind testing it though." Mina blinked. "Huh?" Killua held out his palm. "Put some on my hand, see if I melt." He said, with a grin. Mina shook her head. "I..I can't do that! It's dangerous." Killua shrugged, slipping his hands into his pockets once more. "Eh, suit yourself. I'm going home" There wasn't anything important in his backpack anyways, plus Haka hadn't eaten in 6 hours at this point. "Cya." He picked up the speed until he was zooming down the sidewalk, the wind blowing through his hair.

The breeze was nice, and he decided to take the longer way home so he could skate the whole way. As he was zooming down the sidewalk, suddenly he felt a familiar presence alongside him. "That looks an awful lot like a hero costume." Killua glanced sideways at Hawks, who was effortlessly keeping up with him using his wings. "That's because it is." He replied, with a grin. He and Hawks had kept in touch, talking occasionally and even hanging out a handful of times.

"You do realize you're not allowed to take that out of school grounds yet right?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. Killua blinked, Oops. He thought, unapologetically. "Well nobody told me that. Oh well" Hawks shot him a mischievous grin. "say, why don't you join me on patrol today? I mean, you're already dressed for it." Killua rested his hands behind his head, kicking up one end of the board to stop it. "I need to stop by my house to feed my cat, but otherwise." He paused, slinging his board under his arm with a glance up at Hawks.

"Sounds fun, I'm in."

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To be continued...

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