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Killua took his skateboard to school the next day instead of walking, he had to admit he enjoyed it a lot more. As he got closer to the school's gates he had to step off due to the amount of people there. Eh? By the looks of it, it was the media. They were trying to interview students as they walked by. Killua noticed Mina being interrogated by several people, a mic shoved into her face. She was answering all their questions but he could tell she was a bit overwhelmed. Reporters are so annoying. Killua decided to stroll over and 'accidently' step on the foot of the reporter half shouting at her for information.

She yelped and he placed his hands behind his head, standing in front of Mina. "Oops, sorry about that." He said, causing the attention to land on him. Mina gave him a grateful smile and was allowed to slip away. "Hey, it's that kid!" Suddenly, nearly all the reporters were crowded around him with microphones and cameras. "You were seen patrolling with the wing hero Hawks last night!" The reporter in the front said excitedly, eyes shining. "Everyone's saying you're his new sidekick, is this true!?" Killua decided to go along with this for the hell of it, maybe it would let other students slip through as well. "Hm? Not really. Although I do enjoy working with him."

He was showered with questions and inquiries for approximately twenty whole minutes, when he finally did get away he was about ten minutes late for class. At least this time I have an actual good reason. He thought, opening the door. Midoriya was standing in front of the class, with Momo beside him. "Sorry I'm late-" Before he could explain why, Aizawa spoke. "Killua, my office. Now." He said gruffly. Killua rolled his eyes and followed Aizawa out as he slipped off his sleeping bag. Aizawa let out a deep sigh. "I am very disappointed in you, Killua." Killua groaned. "for the record I actually have a reasonable explanation to why I'm late this time. The reporters wouldn't leave me alone." He grumbled. Aizawa looked him dead in the eye. "That's not why I brought you in here." Killua blinked. Wait really? Why else am I in trouble? "We're doing rescue training." Killua tilted his head. "alri-"

"And you're not going."

Killua frowned. "Eh? Why?" Aizawa looked at him dryly. "You have detention. You showed up twenty minutes late for class, and you brought your hero costume off U.A grounds. Not to mention you skipped the end of class." Killua huffed, leaning against the wall. "Whatever." Damn, and that rescue training thing sounded fun too. "You're lucky I haven't expelled you already. You have potential, Killua. Don't waste it by having poor conduct." His teacher scolded. Killua rolled his eyes. I only need to go to this damn school because it's the only way to get a hero license. He was starting to question if U.A was even worth it. All these rules were starting to irritate him.

Remember why you're here, Killua. If this works, I'll never have to deal with my family harassing me or my friends ever again. Hopefully. "You can go back to class for now, but after lunch you will go three rooms down to the right until we come back from the U.S.J." Killua nodded, then exited the room. Very disappointed. Maybe I should take this more seriously... As he walked into the classroom, present mic was loudly announcing something. Killua activated zetsu to not draw too much attention, then walked over to his seat. He sat down and crossed his legs. Midoriya glanced at him as soon as he deactivated zetsu and handed him a worksheet. "Here" he whispered.

"Thanks," Killua replied quietly as to not disrupt the class. "You weren't here for the lesson so I'll explain it. Fi-" Killua didn't listen to him, he remembered this material. Killua quickly started writing, to Midoriya's astonishment. "NO TALKING IN CLASS LISTENERS!" Present mic yelled, causing him to wince. Midoriya quickly whipped his head back around, embarrassed. "S-Sorry Present Mic sir..." Killua heard him stammer. He finished his assignment about ten minutes later, sure he got a perfect score. "Done." He said, walking over and placing it on the podium in the front of the room for it to be graded. Present mic looked started. "This was a thirty minute assignment, and you came to class late." Killua shrugged. "Wasn't that hard." He went back to his seat and snacked on some more chocolate, an expression of contentment across his face.

The lunch bell rang and Killua got out of his seat. Mina walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey!" Killua glanced at her. "Hm?" He had to admit he kind of enjoyed her upbeat energy, it reminded him of someone. "Just wanted to say thanks for getting those reporters off my back, also...wanted to apologize, I made you late." She said, with a sheepish grin. Killua shrugged as he walked alongside her. "It's fine, although I won't be going on that little field trip with you guys-" , "FIELD TRIP!?" Mina exclaimed, with a gasp. "Wait- Why aren't you coming?" She asked, realizing what he'd said.

Killua started snagging all the sweet options for his meal again that day, having to speak a bit louder over the noise of the cafeteria. "Apparently the class is going to something called the U.S.J for rescue training. I can't go because I have detention instead." He said, with a sigh. "Man, and that rescue training actually sounded fun." Mina frowned. "That's not fair!" Killua shrugged. "It is what it is." The two ended up sitting at the same table, continuing their conversation. "Do you ever eat anything besides sweets?" Mina questioned, staring at his tray of food. Killua took a bite of the ice cream sandwich he'd snagged from the dessert bar. "I have yogurt with some fruit for breakfast, plus some cereal." He replied, seeing no reason to lie to her.

Killua preferred to eat more sweets and sugar filled foods, but he made sure to always eat a relatively healthy breakfast so his body got all the nutrients it needed to work properly. Mina blinked. "Oh, I thought you just ate junk food all the time. I've never seen you eat anything else." Killua scoffed. "If all I did was eat junk food, my body would fall apart." He explained. "The body needs vitamins to function properly. All bodies are different really though, I can function pretty well off of the little vitamins I get. When I don't get enough I just take supplements."

He crossed his legs to sit more comfortably, sipping on his chocolate shake. "Whereas my friend Gon needs a lot more." He laughed. "Actually we're quite the opposite. All he ever eats is meat and vegetables and stuff. What a weirdo." He said fondly, picking at some of the food on his tray. He reminisced the time he and Gon feasted at whale island, Gon stuffing as much food as he could in his face and then getting a stomach ache afterwards. He smiled softly as he recalled the old memories. Such a dumbass...

Mina was quiet for a moment, just kind of staring at him. Dammit, I think I overshared a bit too much. Killua wasn't used to talking with people. He'd gotten better at his social skills but he still struggled to keep decent conversation. He either sounded totally disinterested, or he completely overshare like he'd done just now in an attempt to be friendly and not come off like an asshole. Mina's eyes shined. "Oh my god, you like him don't you?"

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To be continued...

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