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Time passed pretty quickly. The day of the sports festival came soon enough, and Killua was admittedly pretty excited for it. Class 1-A was chilling out in the waiting room was they waited for the festival to start. Killua just leaned back in his chair, reaching for his bag. Kaminari glanced at him and huffed. "How much candy can you even fit in that thing?" Killua shrugged. "I mean-" He grabbed his bag by the straps, then proceeded to flip it over and dump out the entirety of its contents. There was a first aid kit, his makeup kit, and mountains of chocolate robots, lollipops, and chocolate bars. "Oh you've got to be kidding me-"

"Ooh! Yummy-" Mina reached a hand out to take one of his precious chocolate robots and Killua smacked her hand. "Hey! Those are off limits." He scooped all his candy back into the bag then handed Mina a lollipop. "You can have this one." Mina took it and stuck it in her mouth. "Mm! its super good." Hagakure gasped. "no fair! I want one too!" Killua put his backpack in the locker and locked it. "Well too bad." He said sassily, turning to her with a huff. "Chocolate robots are off limits." Mina hummed. "what even is a chocolate robot?" Killua grinned. "Perfection." He replied, simply. There was a commotion behind him but he ignored it, instead deciding to focus on the chocolate bar he was currently eating. It was more important in his opinion.


At Present Mic's shout, Killua got to his feet. Mina gasped. "it's' starting!" Killua placed his hands behind his head as Present mic announced the entrance of all the different classes, walking out into the middle of the stadium. The crowd was loud, and there were way more people than he'd expected. His eyes scanned the crowd, looking for someone specific. Where are you Hawks...He was certain the winged hero would show, although perhaps he had some sort of disguise on. He was one of the most popular heroes in Japan at the moment. Midnight cracked her whip from a raised platform in front of the students. "NOW FOR THE INTRODUCTORY SPEECH!" She shouted.

"For the student pledge, we have Killua Zansatsu!"

Killua sighed. Speech? Ah fuck. He slowly walked up onto the stage with his hands in his pockets, glancing at the glowering general study students. The purple haired male who'd tried to declare war on him was glaring at him particularly grumpily. He had no idea what to say, so he decided to just go for it. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm planning on having some fun in these games today." He started, eyes slowly sweeping across the crowd. "And I hope you do too, let's put on a show for the audience shall we?" He said, a teasing grin playing across his lips. There was some cheering from his classmates and from the crowd, honestly he was surprised he wasn't met with dead silence. Not really a speech but not horrible either I suppose right? Killua walked off the stage, glancing up at the hyped audience once more.


Killua only half paid attention as he surveyed the crowd again, searching for Hawks to no avail. The first game was set to be a four kilometer race around the outside of the stadium. "As long as you don't leave the court, feel free to do whatever your heart desires! Now then, take your places contestants!" Midnight called out over the crowd. Killua immediately thought of something less than legal. Poor choice of words. Or maybe my brain's just a bit too fucked. Perhaps the words 'that's legal' was heavily implied although not stated.

All of the U.A students were clustered around a large tunnel. They were all in tense loaded positions, ready to spring. However he kept a relaxed position with his hands behind his head as he waited. Maybe I should place around the middle? Never know if coming in first would be a detriment later on. "BEGIN!" Midnight shouted, causing the throng of U.A students to rush forward. Killua was about to join them but decided against doing so, walking forward slowly. Everybody's packed, someone could easily take out dozens of people with a quirk that covers a large proximity.

Killua was proved right as he saw a thick layer of ice cover the walls, entrapping several students. Killua was trained to fight in countless scenarios, including icy terrain so he was pretty much unaffected. Killua jogged easily past the dozens of protesting U.A students who'd been frozen in place. He watched with amusement as Mina struggled and skidded on the ice, he slowed himself a bit to keep pace with her. "How are you walking so easily!" She yelped, nearly tripping again. Killua chuckled. "Balance, might be easier to use your acid to skate on the ice for you though-"

Killua paused, noticing a peculiar sight. It was that purple haired guy again. He was...being carried? Those people look totally out of it. Must have some sort of mind control quirk. He slowed a bit more to pull up beside him, his curiosity getting the better of him. Killua didn't really care much about coming in first at this point in time anyways. "That's why you failed the practical exam wasn't it? Because you can't use your quirk against robots?" His head snapped around to Killua, and a frown went across his face. "Why does it matter to you?"

Killua kept walking effortlessly across the ice, making sure to keep pace. "Well-" Killua shook off a momentary chill, as soon as he'd spoken that word he'd felt something very odd. It's probably nothing. "Doesn't really, I'm just observing." The shock was evident on the male's face immediately, although it was quickly hidden. Killua hadn't the faintest clue what it was about but he didn't particularly care either. "Tch. You're lucky. At least you have a physical quirk that's visibly useful, I mean you're not even trying." He said, noting how Killua didn't really have to struggle.

Killua glanced sideways at him. "I barely even use my quirk actually, I don't need it." The purple haired male frowned. "Eh?" Killua was about to reply, but was interrupted by a gigantic zero pointer slamming down, showering him with ice particles. He decided that was enough chatting, and continued walking forward. Most of the other students were hesitating, not wanting to approach. Killua just strolled forward like nothing was different. I Suppose I could have a little fun. He thought, with a confident grin on his face. One of the smaller robots came at him and he merely dodged with minimal movement.

Killua dodged every single attack by the robots without breaking his pace or his relaxed stance. He felt a couple dozen pairs of eyes on him, but that was to be expected. He continued going forward at that steady pace. What if I just kept this pace the entire time no matter what happens? He thought. At the rate he was currently going at, he was sure to finish pretty early so long as he kept at this jogging pace. Eventually the onslaught of robots ended, and there was a clear patch of ground for a while. After that, there was a pit with some ropes. Killua started doubting if he could continue at his steady pace.

Killua decided he couldn't, and just ended up leaping from platform to platform. Soon enough he cleared that stage, then the next was a mine field. Those are pretty easy to avoid, even for people who don't know what to look for. He thought. Killua slid out a single chocolate robot he had concealed in his costume and was about to take a bite when suddenly he heard a large explosion from behind him, the rush of the wind and debris causing him to drop the precious chocolate as someone zoomed past. Killua's eye twitched, he recognized that messy green and black hairstyle. You are so dead Midoriya.

"IZUKU MIDORIYA IS NOW SUDDENLY IN PERSUIT OF FIRST PLACE! SCRATCH THAT, THE LEAD IS HIS!" Oh no you fucking don't. No way in hell Killua would let that walking broccoli win, not after making him drop his chocolate. Killua immediately picked up the pace, going from a slow jog to nearly full speed in a matter of sheer moments. He zipped past the three front runners, only slowing to a stop once he was to the finish line.


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To be continued...

"Fuck You, Mom."Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora