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Killua was actually somewhat surprised the next day in class, school was a lot different than he'd thought. He'd been homeschooled by his parents all his life, so he was used very different teaching strategies. It was easier than he'd expected, and infuriatingly slow. He found himself overwhelmingly bored, having already answered all the questions less than ten minutes into each class period. Thankfully lunch rolled around and he actually had something to do. Killua snagged a few of the sweeter options and was about to walk away when he heard a voice.

"Ah ah ah, you can't eat all junk food." A stern voice scolded from behind him. Killua turned his head to look at the main and only U.A chef, Lunch Rush. "Why not?" He asked, with an irritated frown. He went on a long tangent about a balanced diet which Killua completely ignored. "I'm good, thanks. " He replied dryly. Killua simply walked away, taking a bite of a chocolate doughnut he'd gotten. His eyes sparkled at the flavor and he let out a contented sigh as he sat down at a random table. He enjoyed his meal in a comfortable silence. Well, as silent as it could be in a crowded room full of a bunch of excited rowdy teenagers.

Then came the 'Hero Basic Training' class. Finally, something interesting. He thought, leaning back in his chair. He pushed hard enough to tip the chair on its back two legs but not enough to send him tumbling to the ground. He could feel Iida glaring at him every now and again, but he ignored it. In fact, he didn't stop for the express purpose of pissing him off. "I AM HEREEEE! COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!" A very loud voice bellowed, causing Killua to nearly topple off the chair. Fuck- The front two legs of the chair thudded down onto the floor, although thankfully everyone was distracted by All Might and didn't bother looking at him.

He could see the awed expressions on their faces, but he didn't really feel all that impressed. I mean he was certainly the strongest person in the room besides him, but Killua had met several people who could easily overpower the pro hero. Killua listened as Allmight explained what they were doing today, and he immediately sat up when he learned that there was going to be combat training today. I'm gonna have so much fun with this. He thought, snatching up his cased with the number '19' inscribed on the front with a bright green. He was about to hurry to the locker rooms when he realized he'd need to wait to change again. Dammit. He grumbled internally, ready to try out his new outfit.

He slowly made his way towards the locker room, spending a good amount of time applying eyeliner once more and touching up his hair. Once the room was empty, he tugged on his hero outfit and admired himself in his handheld mirror for a bit. Damn I look good. He thought, before taking a selfie with his new hero outfit and his skateboard slung under one arm. I wonder what Gon would think of this, maybe I'll send it to him later. Then he hesitated as he stared at the photo. Maybe... Killua quickly applied some concealer and foundation to make his skin really glow, making him look extra stunning. then he posed again and took the photo. Perfect.

Killua proceeded to wipe all that extra makeup off his face, he didn't need it for the battle. He then had to redo his eyeliner, which took ages. Killua strolled out to Ground Beta, hopping on his skateboard to speed up the process. A few of his classmates glanced over at Killua, but he ignored them. "AH, YOUNG KILLUA YOU FINALLY MADE IT!" Allmight exclaimed loudly. Killua glided to a stop and kicked one end of his board up, hands in his pockets. "Yeah, what're we doing?" He asked nonchalantly, ignoring the frustrated aura surrounding who he thought was Iida. Although it was hard to tell in his hero costume.

Allmight gave him a grin. "INDOOR BATTLE TRAINING! You're in team C with Yaoyorozu." Killua glanced over at his teammate, she gave him a confident nod. Ir at least, she tried to. He cleared his throat, taking two letters out of two boxes. One labeled Villain, one labeled Hero. "TEAM D AND-" Allmight hesitated, realizing that both of the letters were the same. "What are the chances?" He muttered, then dropped the second letter and went to try again for the hero side. Killua heard a few snickers from his classmates. "TEAM D AND TEAM A!" Killua blinked, his eyes wandering over to the two teams. This'll be interesting. He'd sensed some sort of rivalry between the two.

He went to the monitoring room to wait like everyone else, hands behind his head and slowly moving his leg forward and back, making his skateboard roll back and forth. "Pay attention kids, think about what you would do." Allmight said, as the round started. Killua stared at the screen as Bakugou launched a sneak attack on Midoriya and Uraraka. Killua blocked out the annoying chatter from beside him. What I would do? I guess I would've probably moved slightly to the side then used Bakugou's momentum to my advantage and grab his wrists to disable his explosions.

Killua chuckled softly to himself. Oh who am I kidding, I'd just hit him with a chop to the neck and he'd be out like a light. Bakugou ran at Midoriya, then to everyone's astonishment he caught the blonde's gauntlet and slammed him down onto the ground with a shoulder throw. He whistled, slightly impressed. Damn, didn't think he had it in him. He had to admit this was very enjoyable to watch, although he wasn't really all that thrilled about participating. He was positive it would be boring. Unless I make my own game. He thought.

Killua spent the next few minutes musing about how to make this game more fun. What if I kept moving the entire time? No slowing down? Nah that's too easy. His eyes dropped down to his skateboard, and he felt a catlike smirk stretch across his lips. Or perhaps, I could take a page out of old man Netero's book and I could only have my left foot touch the ground. Doing that while fighting might make it more exciting, at the very least.

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To be continued...

"Fuck You, Mom."Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin