Chapter 17- A Starlit Break With An Assassin

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Killua glanced at Gon with silence for a second, as though sizing him up. "What is it Gon?" He finally asked, smiling slightly.

"Well, could we, I dunno, go outside first, I want to ask you about it somewhere more open, besides, its too cold in here. It'll be warmer outside." He asked hesitantly, before sliding out from under the covers and standing up.

"Well, I might need some help getting outside, y'know, assuming I have a fucking cast and all." Killua said, rolling his eyes and nodding to his cast. It was clear he wasn't actually annoyed though.

"Oh, right! Sorry Killua! C'mere!" Gon said before walking over to killua's side if the bed and hoisting the younger boy up, and onto his back.

"A-are you giving me a piggyback ride?!" Killua whisper-yelled "I just meant some help getting outside! I have crutches!"

"Yeah, but that's no fun!" Gon pouted, walking around with Killua on his back, much to Killu's dismay.

"Well then let's just get outside already, so that you can put me down!" Killua said, blushing with both embarrassment and affection.

"Aw, okay, fine!" Gon replied, laughing a little as he hurried quietly out of the door. Once they were out the door, though, Gon didn't put Killua down. He kept going until they were well away from Leorio's shack and were in a big clearing by a lake, underneath the big moon, surrounded by thousands and thousands of stars.

Killua (with some difficulty) hopped off of Gon's back and sprawled out on the lush grass, and Gon followed suit.

"So, what did you want to ask me about?" Killua said, turning to lay on his side facing Gon.

"Well," Gon started, seeming embarrassed and flustered. "Did-" he took a deep breath and looked Killua dead in the eye, steeling himself. "Did that kiss at the ballpark mean anything? What about the one that wasn't at The ball park?"

Killua blushed a shade darker than he ever had before, and looked at Gon through his lashes, reaching out his hand for Gon's. "Well, I thought it did. But, to you, did it?"

Gon blushed and stared down at their interlocked fingers. "It did, it really, really did. Because-" his breath caught in his throat, and he didn't finish the thought.

Killua laughed a little, and pulled Gon close, embracing him. "Go ahead, tell me, please. Because of what?" He asked, his smile growing wider as Gon hugged him back "I'll tell you on one condition: you aren't allowed to hate me. Deal?" Gon said, snuggling slightly into Killu's collarbone.

"Deal" Killua said without hesitation, "I wouldn't ever hate you"

"Okay, well, because, because I love you."

Killua stopped breathing. He stopped hugging Gon. Stopped smiling. Stopped talking. Stopped blinking. Stopped swallowing, even. " me? As- as in more than a crush? Really? Are you fucking joking?" He said after a minute of struggling to do just about anything.

"I do, Killua. And, dammit, I'm sorry if I just destroyed our entire friendship, but, you deserved to know." Gon said, tears filling up his eyes and streaming down his face.

"I- I think I need a minute to process that." Killua said, struggling up onto his feet, and grabbing the nearest stick to use as a makeshift crutch. He hobbled away from Gon until he was standing right in front of the lake, close enough that the water was lapping at his feet. Then, he dropped his stick and raised his arms as far as they could reach.

Then, he yelled out to the lake, "I love Gon and Gon loves me and we're gonna be the perfect boyfriends, just as soon as I ask him! Just you wait!"

Then, he picked up his stick and hobbled over to a dumbstruck Gon. "Gon, I-" he started, but didn't get to finish before Gon tackled him to the earth with a powerful hug.

"You love me back?!" Was all Gon could say, he was crying tears of joy and nuzzling himself into the crook between killua's jaw and throat.

"Obviously, you dummy! And I want you to be my boyfriend too! So, what do you say?" Killua laughed, sitting up and being more serious now.

"Well, let me think for a second," Gon said, in mock thought. "Absolutely! I'm the luckiest hunter alive! We can travel around the entire globe, and see places, and do things, and get married! I can't wait!" Gon said, hugging Killua again.

"Ah! Gon you're a wreck!" Killua laughed, "Don't get too far ahead of yourself! Maybe we can get married, and do all that other stuff one day, but, for now, this is enough." He said sweetly, pulling Gon closer.

"This is truly a starlit break from reality, isn't it? Even if it is with an assassin." Gon mumbled happily to Killu, before closing the small gap between them with a kiss that filled the space so well they both hoped it would never end.

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