Chapter 16-Hello Again

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Killua sat next to Canary in the passenger seat as she drove him to Leo's address.

"Master Killua, we are almost there, but are you sure you want to be dropped off there?" Canary asked gently.

"Yea yea, I'm 100% sure I wanna be dropped off there." Killua replied, annoyed by Canary's persistence.

"Okay, I promise not to ask again Master Killua." She paused, "By the way we are 3 minutes away from their house." She told him, beating him to it. 

Sure enough, exactly 3 minutes later, they pulled into Leo's driveway.

"Damn, I thought it would be bigger," Killua said under his breath,  interested in the small shack in front of them.

"Well, Master Killua, he is probably still in college, maybe that's why he lives in such a small house." Canary said politely, while opening the trunk up and getting the two suitcases out.

Canary walked up to the front of the car, and opened up the passenger seat door. She helped Killua out and tried to walk him up to the front door.

"I am capable of getting to the front door on my own," Killua snapped at Canary before slowing using his new crutches to waddle over to the door and pound on it.

Back with Canary, she was handling a sleeping Gon and carefully picking him up to carry him to the door. She got about half-way there before the door swung up, revealing a Kurapika still in pajamas.

"What the hell happened?!" Kurapika asked angrily, showing them his conversation with Leo.

Leo: Hey Pika, Killua said him and Gon need to crash at my house, is that okay with you?

Kurapika: Oh okay, why?

Leo: I dunno. All he told me was that it was an emergency.

Kurapika: K, tell them I'll be waiting.

Leo: Ok, tell me when they get there so I can head home.

Kurapika: Okay, bye <3

Leo: bye ttyl

Kurapika: They just got here

"Oh, sorry," Killua said nervously; "It's a long story, we'll tell you later."

"You better." Kurapika said.

"Wha- HI KURAPIKA!!" Gon suddenly shouted, climbing out of Canary's arms and going over to hug him.

After hugging for a second, Kurapika turned to Canary, "Would you like to come inside and have lunch with us?"

"Thank you for the offer, but I have to get back to the Zoldyck family immediately." Canary said, turning around and getting back into the car.

Kurapika blinked for a second, and then just lead the boys inside.

As they walked through the small living room and into the kitchen, Kurapika asked what happened to Killua's leg.

"I broke it." Killua said like it was obvious.

"I'm not stupid, I meant how'd you break it?" Kurapika elaborated.

"That's part of the long story," Killua said, rolling his eyes and smiling.

"Well then tell me it," Kurapika said, pulling some ingredients out of a cupboard.

~~~Time skip brought to u by Bungee Gum: possesses the qualities of both rubber and gum~~~

Killua and Gon had just finished filling in Kurapika on everything when they heard a knock at the door.

"It's Leo, please open it Gon." Kurapika asked.

"Okay!" Gon said, happily hopping up and going through the living room then opening the door only to immediately get scooped up in Leorio's embrace.

"Hello  Gon!" Leo said, still squeezing him.

"Hi- Oreo-" Gon wheezed out, before Leorio finally put him down.

"What happened? Pika was just telling me bits and pieces so I need you to fill me in on everything else." Leo said glancing between the two boys.

The boys both dramatically sighed in unison before recapping everything they had just told Pika, and by the time they had finished they were both thoroughly exhausted, but Leo wouldn't let either of them go to bed yet.

"Killu, you just fucking DRAGGED Gon all the way to the Butler's quarters with a BROKEN LEG just to ask for Canary to drive you here?! That's stupid and dangerous. I should seriously check that out, and Gon needs his surgery looked at again to make sure everything's healing correctly anyway, plus he was dragged a quarter of a mile."

The boys groaned loudly before sitting down on his couch while he investigated their damages. After 15 or so minutes, he decided that Gon was just a little bruised, and that Killu should be using a different type of cast.

"Gon, you're good to go to bed, but Killua you have to stay right here while I get my saw." Leo said before hurrying off.

"He never told me where my bedroom was," Gon said, upset and tired.

"I think I have bigger problems," Killua said nervously.

"Oh really, like what?"

"Oh I don't know, the fact that he's trying to chop my leg off!!" Killu said sarcastically. 

"You dummy! He's not gonna cut your leg off! Doctors use saws to take off casts all the time! I had to have casts several times, growing up on Whale Island, so I know." Gon laughed out at Killua.

Killu blushed from embarrassment and was about to defend himself, but just then Leorio came back with the material for the correct cast and a circular hand saw.

Leo looked dangerously excited for this new task, and it didn't get any better when he informed them that this was gonna be his first time removing a cast, and that he was going to school to be a heart surgeon, not someone who has to deal with casts.

Killu was now terrified, and had to tightly hold Gon's hand to stop himself from screaming and running away.

Once replacing the cast was done though, he was able to relax and hold Gon's hand normally.

"Alright! That was more difficult than I thought it would be but it should make it through the night and last until I can take you to the Hospital for a real cast." He said, stepping back and admiring his work. "But for now you two should go to bed. That might be an issue though, because there's only one spare bed in my house. So one of you could sleep on the floor, or you could sleep next to each other. Oh and don't worry about Kurapika, He's sleeping with me."

Once Leo was done talking, both boys immediately said they could sleep together, which just made them both blush a dark crimson.

"Well I guess that's decided." Leorio said, smirking at them.

"Shut up old man." Killua snapped back before trying (and failing) to abruptly stand up and walk over to the spare bed room. 

After Killua and Gon finally got settled in the room, and when Mama Pika and Leorio had both said goodnight and the lights had been turned off, Gon randomly tapped Killua's shoulder.

"What is it, Gon?" Killu asked, sitting up and turning on the lamp.

Gon sat up too, and nervously looked at Killua. "I had a question; an important question."

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