Chapter 15- In a Burrow

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(A/N) sorry that I took a GIANT break between ch14 and this chapter I just lost my inspo big time😅

Killu ran through the forest faster than he had ever run before. Killua saw it slowly closing in on him, taking its time, amplifying his anxiety.

"Why do you have to kill me?!" He screamed desperately, backing up against a giant oak.

The monster didn't reply, it simply just gave him a cold glance that might have been taught to it by Illumi.

It advanced closer to killu, despite his pleas, and right as it was going to deliver a fatal blow-

Killua shot up, sweating and looking around frantically.

'It was a dream?' Killu thought to himself curiously.

He felt something pressed against his lap, so he sat up, and saw Gon's head resting in his lap. He smiled to himself and thought about the previous night. He had met up with leorio and brought him back to the rabbits' burrow; and Leo had removed Illumi's needle.

Killu Smiled from ear to ear and almost got up to start dancing. Instead though, he planted a kiss on Gon's forehead and gently shook him awake, even though he knew he shouldn't.

Gon let out a sigh and quietly woke up, dragging it out as long as possible.

Killu lifted Gon's torso up and turned Gon to face him.

"Hi Gon, how are you? Its been a while since you've been back to normal, how do you feel?" He asked the older boy, tightly embracing him in a long hug.

Gon laughed it off and asked what he meant, adding "My head hurts."

"Do you not remember?" Killu asked curiously, "What's the last thing you do remember?"

"Uhhh" Gon thought for a while until smoke started spouting from his ears. "The last thing I remember is Illumi telling me to follow all his instructions, and I couldn't fight his power after that, I guess."

Killu sat silently for a minute, deep in thought.

'I was right. I was completely, 100% right. And he doesn't even remember the last 3 days. Should I tell him all of it, or just fix it for him? Actually maybe a combination. I can fix the smaller things, and he can deal with things like training- oh shit training!'

"Killua Killua Killua Killua Killua Killua! I've been saying your name for 5 minutes! Just answer me already!" Gon said annoyingly, poking Killu's cheek.

Killu snapped back to reality and decided to just fill him in on everything.


Killu had finished talking a while ago, but Gon was still bawling.

"I'm so so sorry for being so mean!" Gon repeated again, hugging Killu tightly.

Killua hugged him back, comforting him semi awkwardly. He was extremely flustered and his face was dusted in blush, both from embarrassment and affection.

Suddenly he pressed a finger to Gon's lips and signaled for him to be quiet. He whispered that someone was approaching the entrance to the rabbit hole, and that they were probably looking for them for training.

Killu quietly took Gon's hands and helped him stand up.

'Follow me' he mouthed, leading Gon down section after section of the rabbits' burrow. He kept going until he was in the single darkest part of the burrow, then he pulled out his phone and shot Leorio a message.

Killua: Hey would it be ok if me and Gon crashed at ur place for a couple nights? Its kind of urgent.

Killu and Gon waited for Leo's reply with bated breath as they heard someone slip into the burrow with them.

Killu's phone loudly buzzed and Leorio's reply flashes on his screen.

Leorio: sure! Fair warning: Pika is gonna be there. Here's my address: xxxxxxxxxxx

Killu sighed in panic and led Gon further down the tunnel.

The footsteps behind them were close now, and Killua and Gon sprinted desperately towards the second exit of the burrow.

They got into the last room and saw the small exit in the ceiling.

"Shit!" Killua angrily exclaimed, realizing they would never both get out in time.

Gon was clearly in pain and had a bad head ache from running with his injury still healing up; and there's no way he would be fast enough getting out without Killua's help.

Killu grabbed Gon and hoisted him up through the hole; the footsteps behind them mere feet away.

Gon thanked him and offered his hand to Killua, telling him to grab it. Killua refused his hand though, and started firing up his god speed.

The person entered the section of the burrow that Killua was in, and Gon finally identified them as Xeno.

Killua propelled himself upward, and he made it through the exit; but not before Xeno grabbed his leg and twisted it hard, breaking it.

Killua kicked Xeno with his other leg, and started angrily yelling at him.

Xeno glared at him with cold eyes, and informed him he was 6 hours late to training.

"Me and Gon aren't going to train anymore!" Killua shouted at him.

"You already agree-" Xeno started, but he couldn't finish his sentence.

Xeno flopped down, and it was clear he had been knocked out. Killu looked around in the burrow to see who had done it, and saw Gon standing behind Xeno's limp body, arm raised and panting, before he too, collapsed.


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