Chapter 3- Lunch Time

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 Gon looked at the clock, 11:57 am. He and Killua had been gaming for the past twenty minutes, and Gon's stomach kept growling.

"Hey Killu, lunch starts in three minutes, should we start making our way to the dining room?" Gon asked while getting a kill.

"I guess, but not before I kill you!" was Killua's response.

"Well then I guess we'll be here a while!"

The two boys laughed as Killua closed in on Gon's character.

"I don't think so!" Killua said, finally killing Gon.

"Damn it!" Gon yelled, laughing as Killua stood up and started dancing around his room.

Killua now looked at the clock; 12:01 pm.

"Oh we're so screwed." Killua said nervously, grabbing Gon's wrist and pulling him quickly through the hall and down the stairs.


"Took you long enough." Silva said, eyeing Gon's flushed face.

"Huh?" Gon said, clearly not picking up what Silva was putting down.

Killua's face burnt scarlet at what his father was implying. "He's just a friend, nothing more," he said. 'He's awesome in every way, shape, and form; but he's not mine, no matter how much I wish.' Killu thought to himself.

"Well, please, make yourself comfortable," Silva said, nodding to the chair next to his. "Sadly my wife won't be able to attend lunch today, along with most of the other Zoldycks, as they had to take care of a difficult assassination."

"Oh," Gon said, blinking, "That's fine."

Gon took a seat next to Silva and Killua sat on Gon's other side.

"So who are those two?" Gon asked, pointing to the two Zoldycks eating at the other side of the long table.

"The older one is Illumi, Killu's older brother, and the younger one is Kalluto, Killu's little brother. And I'm Silva, his father." Silva said introducing everyone.

"And I have company arriving soon, if only he was more reliable." Illumi said without looking up.

"Yes, Illumi's partner, what was his name? Hisoka, I believe, will be attending lunch as well." Silva said.

"What?!" Killua blurted out, "That pedophile?!"

Silva swatted Killua, "Mind your manners! If Illumi wants to invite someone over, we are to respect his wishes! Gon is your guest, is he not?"

Killu huffed dramatically, "Fine, but if that pedo does anything to Gon I make no promises,"

"Killu," Silva warned,

"Father," Illumi interrupted, "Hisoka is a rather stuck up individual, if Killu was to put him in his place, I have nothing against it."

Silva glared daggers at Illumi and Killua in turn, but ultimately accepted it, "Very well then."

The rest of lunch was deathly silent, and the tension was so high Gon could almost taste it, along with his delicious caesar salad.

As Illumi stood up he said "It appears that Hisoka was a no-show. How distasteful."

Killua smirked at Silva, earning a kick from Gon under the table.


After lunch Gon and Killua headed outside of the mansion to a green meadow on the mountain. 

Once in the meadow, Killua and Gon sat on a log admiring the beautiful nature.

"You know, I've always had a soft spot for rabbits," Killua said, smiling as a white and brown rabbit waddled up to Killua and sniffed his finger, proceeding to rub against it.

"Aww! That's so cute!" Gon said, eyes glittering. "I really just like learning about plants and insects, like that white stag beetle on that birch tree!" Gon hopped up and grabbed the white stag beetle; scaring the bunny so that it jumped up onto Killua's lap.

Gon sat back down and let the beetle crawl around his arm, causing Killu's already pale face to pale farther.

"Keep that thing away from my precious rabbit!" Killu said nervously, turning his nen against the beetle.

"Oh come on! He just wants love!" Gon said, bringing the beetle closer to Killu.

Killua and Gon kept on going back and forth for a while, until Killu signed for Gon to quiet down.

"I sense someone's presence." Killua said quietly, "Someone beside me or you, someone with a strong bloodlust. Someone who shouldn't be here."

Gon looked around, and saw a couple of leaves move. "Over there," He nodded, "In the tree."

Gon and Killua followed the movement for a while, until it stopped abruptly.

"Come on out." Killu said placing the rabbit down and using gyo. "We know you're out here."

A dark laugh came from the treetops. "Well, you always were quite smart weren't you?~"

"Hisoka!" Gon and Killua said in unison.

Gon started using gyo as well, "What are you doing here?"

Hisoka dropped down from the treetops, the sun starting to set behind him. "I'm here to taste my ripened fruit." He said, glancing towards Gon.

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