Chapter 2- an introduction

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      Gon woke up to the warm sun on his face. He smiled and opened his eyes. Stretching, he looked up at the ceiling and didn't recognize it. He quickly hopped out of bed and looked around, panicking.

"Ow!" Cried Killua from the floor.

Gon squeaked in surprise and hopped back onto the bed. "What are you doing down there? Where are we?" Gon asked Killua while taking in his surroundings. A bed with blue covers, a pleasant natural musk smelling of mint and pancakes, clothes in a heap on the floor, haphazardly tacked-up posters on the wall, and a computer and desk in the corner. 'It must be Killu's room.' he thought, remembering the previous night.

"My room you dummy!" Killua groaned; rubbing his arm where Gon had stepped on him.

"Yea, I just noticed that." Gon laughed nervously.

Killua's eyes burned in fury, "And you waited until after  you stepped on me to tell me that!?" he hopped up and jumped on top of Gon, repeatedly swatting him. "You little brat!" he yelled.

Gon blocked Killu's blows and apologized profusely; "I'm so sorry! I promise I didn't mean to!"

"Whatever." Killua said hopping off of him and putting his hands in his pockets.

"Is everything alright in here, little brother?" Illumi said, poking his head in.

Killua jumped in front of Gon and nodded his head aggressively. "Yep! Everything in here is just fine! No problems whatsoever! Continue on!" He said, awkwardly laughing.

"Okay," Illumi said suspiciously, closing the door and walking off.

Killua turned around to face Gon. "You almost got us caught you idiot!" he said shaking Gon back and forth.

"Woah!" Gon said, his head bobbing around as though threatening to fall off. "Stop shaking me Killu! It hurts!"

Killu stopped shaking him and turned away. "We should get ready anyway. Get your clothes out of your suitcase."

Gon laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yea about that," he said, "I didn't actually pack any clothing, just my fishing rod and some toys."

Killua made such a disapproving face that Gon cringed. "You idiot. I guess you'll have to wear some of my clothes."

Gon thanked Killua and took some clothes. "Where is the bathroom?"

"Down the hall, take a left, go up the second flight of stairs you come across, and then it's the first door to the right." He said casually.

"Heheh, do you mind taking me?" Gon asked.

"Sure whatever, but we have to move quick so my family doesn't see you."

Killua and Gon started down the hall, and made their way to the bathroom.

Gon marveled as he looked around, chandeliers hung every ten feet, a gold-laced carpet, and higher ceilings than he had ever seen.

"Wow! this place is awesome!" Gon said, turning to Killua.

"Yea I guess, but it's nothing special." Killua played it off.

"I knew your family was rich, but this is like a whole new level of rich!" Gon said, starting up the stairs.

The spiral staircase was dozens of feet long, and Gon was slightly exhausted by the time they reached the top.

Killua went to open the door, but found it locked. "Who's in there?" He called.

"It's me, Kalluto." Came the reply.

"Oh," Killua said calmly, but he wasn't calm at all. All of the doors around him were either strictly off limits or one of his sibling's rooms. 'Let's go back downstairs.' he mouthed at Gon. Gon nodded and gave a thumbs up.

They started to head downstairs when they heard someone coming up the stairs. Turning around and ushering Gon back up the stairs, Killua hurried down the corridor and 'merged' with the darkness, making him virtually invisible; but Gon didn't know how, so he just hid behind a flower pot. Killua mentally facepalmed, as it was almost guaranteed that whoever was coming up those stairs was a professional assassin, and would be easily able to detect Gon.

Illumi emerged from the top of the staircase, and looked around, instantly suspicious again. He started walking down the corridor slowly, nearing Gon.

"I sense you." He warned. "Come out or suffer the consequences." He said.

Killua's breath was shallow, and he didn't dare move.

Illumi continued walking until he was standing directly infront of the flower pot.

"Got you."

Illumi grabbed Gon, kicking and screaming, and started to drag him down the corridor.

Killu revealed himself and charged at Illumi, grabbing and twisting his big brother's wrist. "Let go of my friend!" He yelled.

Illumi looked at Killua calmly and said, "Fine, but since that was inconvenient, mother and father shall be made aware of Gon's presence in the mansion."

Killua huffed in defeat and took Gon back, hugging him hard. "Fine, it was going to happen anyway. Tell them that Gon will be attending lunch."

"Will do, little brother." Illumi said walking off.

Once Illumi was out of sight, Killua groaned and slapped Gon. "A flowerpot?! What were you thinking? This is a house of trained assassins!"

The pair made their way back to Killua's room, with Gon apologizing the whole way. Once they got to Killu's room, Gon went in and changed while Killua waited, and when Gon was done, Killu and Gon swapped places.

Gon looked at the clock, 11:34 am.

"Hey Killu, what time does your family eat lunch?"

"12 o'clock on the dot, everyday."

"Okay, also, your arms are really long." Gon said, extending his arms to show Killua the ends of the sleeves folding over Gon's hands.

"You just have short arms" Killua shrugged matter-of-factly.

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